
Scale up Empowerment through Household Methodologies: from Thousands to Millions

Approval Date

07 December 2017


2017 - 2022

Grant ID


The overall goal of the programme is to contribute to gender equality and sustainable livelihoods for marginalized rural women, men and youth in 15 countries in Africa. The objective is to increase knowledge, skills and expertise among stakeholders at local, national, regional and global levels to support, implement and scale up HHMs to empower women, men and youth for rural inclusiveness.

The target group will consist of 20,500 rural households in marginalized communities (of which 17,000 are linked to Empowerment Learning Centres), and at least 3,500 rural households that are part of IFAD-supported projects. These include poor women, men and youth that are involved in micro or small-scale economic activities.

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