
Family Farming Development Programme in the Diffa Region


Country Flag Niger



Approval Date

29 September 2018


2018 - 2028

Project ID


The programme’s general objective is to sustainably ensure food and nutrition security and the resilience capacities of rural households in the Diffa region. The development objective is to sustainably increase the income, adaptation to climate change and market access of family farms and promote the social and economic integration of refugee or displaced populations into the receiving communities.

ProDAF-Diffa operations will be part of the following key actions in the five selected areas: (i) the development of a wholesale market; (ii) small-scale irrigated farming in intermediate areas located near national Route 1; (iii) higher productivity in rainfed and irrigated crop production; (iv) protection of intervention basins through sand-dune stabilization; (v) the upgrading of pastoral trails and water points; and (vi) the social and economic integration of refugee groups

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Co-financiers (International)

Co-financiers (Domestic)

Project Contact