Regional Resilient Pastoral Communities Project - IFAD
The Regional Resilient Pastoral Communities Project (RRPCP) reduces rural poverty and food insecurity in Kyrgyzstan by increasing resilience, income, and economic growth in farming communities. The nationwide five-year project is expected to reach at least 557,000 rural households.
The RRPCP promotes investment in natural resource management through financing instruments that consider both economic incentives and environmental services. Instruments with different degrees of concession for critical environmental areas, such as mudslide-prone areas and protected forests, will be used.
Through pasture and forest plans that acknowledge the interdependence of both these resources mitigation and adaptation impacts are improved.
New ecological and profitable technologies will also be promoted through a competitive grants mechanism.
The RRPCP is targeted to households:
- practicing extensive livestock rearing;
- extracting forest products;
- producing fodder;
- with women and youth.
Targeting is based on village visions, livelihood fragility, and social vulnerability.
Additional Data
Total Project Cost
US$ 65.22 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 31.28 million
Financing terms
DSF Grant/Highly Concessional
Co-financiers (International)
Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund
US$ 10 million
Adaptation Fund
US$ 9.22 million
Co-financiers (Domestic)
US$ 13.97 million
Project Contact
Samir Bejaoui