
Small-scale Aquaculture Development Project


Country Flag Mozambique



Approval Date

12 September 2019


2019 - 2026

Project ID


PRODAPE is a five-year investment within a long-term (15-year) IFAD and Government partnership in aquaculture in Mozambique.

PRODAPE's goal is to contribute to poverty reduction and enhance food security and nutrition among rural households. The project development objective is to increase production, consumption and incomes among rural households and other actors in the aquaculture value chain.

PRODAPE will target 23 districts in seven provinces, starting with seven districts with high aquaculture potential and expanding on the basis of demand and increased capacity to implement project activities. The target districts were selected in line with criteria agreed upon with IDEPA, namely: (i) favourable environmental, climate and natural resource conditions for aquaculture; (ii) existence of water bodies capable of providing water in sufficient quantity and quality for aquaculture activity; (iii) existence of potential markets; (iv) high poverty levels, food and nutritional insecurity; and (v) existence of access roads.

Additional Data

Co-financiers (International)

Co-financiers (Domestic)

Project Contact