
Rural Youth Agripreneur Support Project (Agrijeunes Tekki Ndawñi)


Country Flag Senegal


Credit and Financial Services

Approval Date

12 September 2019


2019 - 2026

Project ID


The Rural Youth Agripreneur Support Project (Agrijeunes Tekki Ndawñi) is a rural transformation initiative targeting rural youth who have been excluded from the wealth creation process due to a lack of productive and innovative jobs in the agro-sylvo-pastoral and fisheries sectors. Its aim is to enable them to become agricultural entrepreneurs.

The project seeks to promote the social and occupational inclusion of youth in family farms and profitable ventures that will create income and decent, sustainable jobs in agro-sylvo-pastoral and fisheries value chains. The project will benefit 150,000 rural young people. Among this group, 45,000 young people (50 per cent of whom will be female) will be integrated into or receive support to start up a sustainable profitable activity in the agro-sylvo-pastoral and fisheries value chains. At project completion, 25,000 viable enterprises in the agro-sylvo-pastoral and fisheries value chains will have been created and/or strengthened and will have created 35,000 decent jobs, 50 per cent of which will be to the benefit of young women. Furthermore, through capacity-building, the project will have qualitative implications for the country’s nutritional status, which is already the best in West Africa.

The project will be implemented across four agroecological zones in Senegal: the Niayes region, the groundnut basin, the sylvopastoral zone and lower and middle Casamance.

Source: President’s Report (12/09/2019)

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Co-financiers (International)

Co-financiers (Domestic)

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