
Rural Microenterprise Transformation Project


Country Flag Bangladesh


Credit and Financial Services

Approval Date

12 September 2019


2019 - 2025

Project ID


The project goal is to sustainably increase the income, food security and nutrition of marginal and small farmers and microentrepreneurs across selected valuechains. The development objective is the sustainable growth of selected rural commodity value chains with comparative advantages, market demand, growth potential and backward linkages to small farmers and microentrepreneurs.

The project will target the following groups: (i) ultra-poor households, (ii) transitional poor households, and (iii) enterprising poor. The majority of the direct beneficiaries under the financial services component will be women as recipients of PKSF loans. Youth will be targeted both directly (as producers and private extension providers trained by the project) and indirectly (through wage employment).

Additional Data

Co-financiers (International)

Co-financiers (Domestic)

Project Contact