
Promote Sustainable Technologies & Marketing Strategies to Increase Incomes/Reduce Food Losses in SmallFishSystems

Approval Date

22 December 2021


2021 - 2025

Grant ID


With an annual production of almost 1 million tons of fish, Lake Victoria is the world's most productive inland body of water. It provides an income for 220,000 fishers from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, as well as an additional 4 million people indirectly and generates approximately 600 million USD in wealth annually.

Despite widespread use of unsustainable fishing methods, climate change impacts and the decline of large fish stocks, Lake Victoria has experienced a five-fold increase in the catches of small fish since 2015.

The Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization (LVFO) is the specialized organization of the East African Community which coordinates the management and development of fisheries and aquaculture resources in the region.

Through an IFAD grant, LVFO aims to improve the livelihoods of communities dependent on small fish in Lake Victoria, while reducing food loss and improving nutrition. About 6,000 people will learn how to use cutting-edge and sustainable fishing methods in collaboration with private sector organizations.

Find out more about the LVSF project

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