
United for Land Rights - Promoting People-Centred Land Governance with ILC members

Approval Date

16 October 2019


2019 - 2021

Grant ID


The overall goal of the programme is to enable poor women and men to achieve secure and equitable access to land by working towards people-centred land governance. This fits squarely with IFAD's land policy and with IFAD's support to the implementation of the VGGTs (objectively verifiable indicator: Land governance indices capturing the degree to which the 10 commitments are addressed in selected countries).

The target group will be composed of land users, including smallholder and marginalized farmers, especially women; rural people relying on common property resources including indigenous peoples and pastoralists; landless rural people; and people affected by land-related conflicts. The immediate beneficiaries of this grant are the local and national members and partners of ILC who represent these target groups or support their land-related interests through technical assistance, capacity-building, information sharing, advocacy and policy dialogue.

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