Strengthening the supply of improved seeds and improved public-private partnerships in Central Africa - IFAD
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Strengthening the supply of improved seeds and improved public-private partnerships in Central Africa
03 December 2020
2020 - 2023
The project’s geographic scope will include three target countries in Central Africa: Cameroon, Congo, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
SISCA’s goal is to sustainably enhance the access of 48,000 SHFs (female and male) to quality seeds by increasing the operational efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and Community Seed Production Groups (CSPGs) and improving their relationships with SHFs. SISCA will build competitive seed systems that significantly expand seed production, processing, marketing and distribution by boosting the capacity of the public and private sector in seed value chains.
Additional Data
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
Total Cost
US$ 1.25 million
IFAD Grant Amount
US$ 1 million