Rural Youth Vocational Training, Employment and Entrepreneurship Support Project - IFAD
During the first phase of FIER, more than 13,000 youth-led income-generating activities and microenterprises have been created throughout 1,504 villages. The second Rural Youth Vocational Training, Employment and Entrepreneurship Support Project (FIER 2) will consolidate and expand these achievements in several high-potential agricultural and a few non-agricultural value chains, based on market opportunities and potential for youth integration. FIER 2 will catalyse the entrepreneurial potential of young women in particular, which has remained largely untapped so far.
The project components are:
- improving the enabling institutional and socio-economic environment for the promotion of rural youth entrepreneurship and employment;
- supporting rural youth in generating decent incomes through sustainable access to financial and non-financial services adapted to their aspirations
Additional Data
Total Project Cost
US$ 100 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 39 million
Financing terms
Financing Gap
US$ 39.61 million
Co-financiers (Domestic)
Beneficiaries In-kind
US$ 5.63 million
National Government
US$ 7.34 million
Domestic Financing Institutions
US$ 8.41 million
Project Contact
Ndaya Beltchika St Juste