Rwanda Dairy Development Project - Phase 2 - IFAD
The first phase of the RDDP introduced yielded positive outcomes, but several challenges persist which impede the full realization of the dairy sector’s potential and sustainability, including suboptimal milk productivity levels and poor market information and infrastructure.
RDDP2 will modernize the sector by upscaling interventions, focusing on climate-smart practices, financial access via private sector collaboration and digitalizing the value chain.
Additional Data
Total Project Cost
US$ 128.37 million
IFAD Financing
US$ 44.74 million
Financing terms
Financing Gap
US$ 20 million
Co-financiers (International)
EQUITY Bank Rwanda Limited
US$ 10 million
Heifer Project International
US$ 6 million
Green Climate Fund
US$ 11.5 million
Co-financiers (Domestic)
Beneficiaries Cash
US$ 1.82 million
Beneficiaries additional financing
US$ 4.27 million
Beneficiaries In-kind
US$ 7.7 million
National Government In-kind
US$ 10.78 million
National Government (add)
US$ 4.7 million
National Government Cash
US$ 6.86 million
Project Contact
Dagmawi Habte Selassie