National Programme of Rural Economic Transformation for Living Well — Rural Adelante II (expansion) - IFAD
National Programme of Rural Economic Transformation for Living Well — Rural Adelante II (expansion)
The Rural Adelante II Programme is an extension of the previously approved Rural Adelante Programme which was only in eastern El Salvador. It will now cover the whole country, including the central, eastern, paracentral and western regions.
The extended programme will give priority to the municipalities with the highest rates of rural poverty and those worst affected by climate change, particularly in the Dry Corridor. Rural Adelante II, which aims to benefit 23,000 families, will especially target poor rural women, young people and indigenous peoples.
Its activities will focus on building beneficiaries' capacity for sustainable production adapted to climate change and for developing competitive, inclusive and demand-driven value chains. The expected outcome is to enable smallholder farmers' organizations to sell high-quality products in the quantities and with the frequency required by the market. The programme will support stakeholders within each value chain (including input suppliers, technical assistance and training providers, financial service providers, public and private collection and commercialization centres, commercial operators and regulatory agencies) to achieve more efficient coordination and establish strategic alliances to strengthen the links of the chain.
Furthermore, the programme will work on strengthening the capacities of private and public institutions linked to rural development policies and activities: the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, the National Institute for Youth, the Salvadoran Institute for Women's Empowerment, the Secretariat of Culture and Municipalities, as well as organizations of producers, rural youth, women and indigenous people. In this regard, policy dialogue to extend best practices tested within the project will also be a key component of Rural Adelante II.
Source: IFAD
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US$ 0 million
US$ 0 million