Publication | 15 January 2008

Annual report on investigative and anti-corruption activities 2007

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The Investigation Section of the Office of Audit and Oversight (OA-IS) was set up in 2006 with a mandate to investigate alleged irregular practices, namely (i) fraud and corruption, when applied to entities, contractors and non-staff individuals applying for or participating in IFAD-financed activities, and (ii) staff misconduct. This was pursuant to the adoption by the Executive Board in December 2005 of the IFAD Policy on Preventing Fraud and Corruption in its Activities and Operations (EB 2005/85/R.5/Rev.1, paragraph 26). The establishment of a Sanctions Committee and the development of debarment procedures in February 2007 further bolstered the effectiveness of the IFAD investigative and sanctions process. These changes aligned IFAD with best practices applied by other United Nations agencies and the major multilateral development banks (MDBs) in this area.


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