Post-Tsunami Sustainable Livelihoods Programme for the Coastal Communities of Tamil Nadu, India, 2007-2020.
This case study reviews the financial inclusion and risk mitigation instruments that were piloted under the Post-Tsunami Sustainable Livelihood Programme (PTSLP) during 2007-2020 in Tamil Nadu, India.
PTSLP was designed in response to the medium to long term rehabilitation needs of coastal communities in the wake of Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004.
The Programme has been able to build resilience and promote sustainable livelihoods among fishers and coastal communities through supporting enterprise development, introducing risk-mitigation instruments and establishing resource-management systems that are owned and operated by poor communities.
The project has achieved this through developing self-sustaining community institutions and innovative public private partnership. The case study aims to inform development practitioners on the processes and lessons learnt in implementing the key innovations in financial inclusion including risk mitigation instruments tailored to rural communities in this case small-scale fishers.