Publication | 12 February 2020

China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility - Approved proposals: second call

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Established in February 2018 and entirely devoted to smallholder agriculture and rural development, the China-IFAD SSTC Facility is taking concrete actions to alleviate rural poverty, enhance rural productivity, advance rural transformation and promote investments among developing countries.

Under the second call for proposals, seven projects for a total amount of US$ 3.1 million have been approved. These projects cover a broad range of themes, and include freshwater aquaculture productivity improvement, fortified cassava flour value-chain development, small-scale dryer technology transfer, sustainable cage aquaculture promotion and learning from SSTC in project design. They respond to the Facility’s core objective of the mobilization of knowledge, expertise and resources among countries of the Global South.


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