Integrating nutrition into IFAD’s investments in the Pacific
This review showcases IFAD-financed nutrition-sensitive projects in the Pacific, and raises awareness of the nutritional challenges and opportunities faced by Pacific Island countries.
The Global Donor Platform report provides a mapping of the patterns and scale of food systems-related funding and an assessment of the extent donors are embracing a food system framing and aligning their investments to the UN Food Systems Summit Action Tracks.
It provides an overview of the scale of food systems-related funding and actions currently supported by donors, contributing to one of the core objectives of the GDPRD’s engagement in the UN Food Systems Summit, which is to help optimize donor coordination and alignment.
The report assesses the degree to which donors are adopting a food systems framing to guide their future investments, identify key “flagship” programmes that contribute to food systems, and map out overall patterns of investment. It also looks at how donor programmes and investment align with the UN FSS Action Tracks. Among the key conclusions, the report found that to be effective, donor funding must focus on catalysing systemic change.