Publication | 17 April 2017

IFAD’s approach to policy engagement

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Typically, IFAD’s approach to policy engagement is one of facilitating, supporting and informing nationally-owned policy processes, so as to enable governments and other national stakeholders to determine themselves the policy change required.

Its approach is characterized by building national capacities for dialogue and the design, implementation and assessment of policies; and by bringing evidence to those processes where appropriate and useful. It includes, but goes beyond, policy dialogue.

IFAD does not impose policy change as a condition for its support for investment projects, and rarely does it seek specific policy change.

Country-level policy engagement – or CLPE – can thus be seen as a process in which IFAD can collaborate, directly and indirectly, with partner governments and other country-level stakeholders to influence policy priorities or the design, implementation and assessment of formal policies that shape the opportunities for inclusive and sustainable rural transformation.

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