Publication | 30 April 2023

Investing in rural people in Cambodia

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In Cambodia, IFAD’s work focuses on the following thematic areas:

  • Agricultural value chain development, facilitation, and brokering service.
  • Extension policy implementation using diverse models to deliver extension to farmers, including “contracting out”, farmer-to-farmer extension services, support to farmers’ organizations, public-private partnerships, and direct extension by the public sector.
  • Programme budgeting and development of the national and provincial agricultural development plans.
  • Rural infrastructure for agricultural markets, business and trade.
  • Digital technology for the agriculture sector, including online payment, digital finance, online logistics and digital markets for agricultural value chains.
  • Climate change adaptation in extension, conservation agriculture practice, and risk mitigation in infrastructure investment.
  • Renewable energy technology, including support for smallholder agriculture value chains.
  • Microfinance, including value chain financing and group revolving funds.
  • Skills and enterprise development through support for the implementation of a demand-driven skills development fund and an enterprise promotion fund.
  • Programme-based approach leveraging synergies between ongoing IFAD-supported projects to create an integrated package of support to the smallholder agriculture sector, and working with other development partners through a country programme steering committee.

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