Publication | 16 June 2023

The Ireland-IFAD partnership

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Ireland and IFAD share a commitment to empower rural people to overcome poverty and hunger through sustainable development.

Ireland’s strategic focus on food and nutrition security and sustainable food systems development, linked to strong commitments to address climate change, protect the environment, and place women, youth and vulnerable groups, including persons with disabilities, at the centre, is closely aligned with IFAD’s mandate.

IFAD strongly supports Ireland’s commitment to “reach the furthest behind first” and aims to deliver on this promise through IFAD’s work to generate improved and more resilient livelihoods for all poor rural people.

Through its core contributions to IFAD, Ireland demonstrates its commitment to aid effectiveness and multilateralism, and supports IFAD’s overall work programme. During 2021, the Fund’s operations reached over 90 million poor rural people, with women making up more than half of IFAD’s total beneficiaries.


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