Publication | 10 September 2016

Kenya IAP factsheet

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The Integrated Approach Programme (IAP) on Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa, supported by the Global Environment Facility, focuses specifically on promoting sustainability and resilience through management of the natural resources– land, water, soils, trees and genetic resources – that underpin food and nutrition security. Agricultural transformation and intensification is a growing priority for all countries in sub-Saharan Africa. While investments in inputs, seeds and markets will result in short-term increases in productivity, lessons from elsewhere in the world suggest that gains will come at the expense of healthy soils, on-farm and landscape agro-biodiversity, and sustained flow of water.

The proposed Child Project aims for a well-conserved Upper Tana River basin with improved water quality and quantity for upstream and downstream users, maintaining regular flows of water throughout the year and enhancing ecosystem services.


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