Publication | 30 August 2021

China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility - Approved proposals: third call

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Following a comprehensive review of the submissions, four projects totalling US$1.9 million have been approved for funding under this call. The projects cover thematic areas such as agricultural production technology, crises prevention and recovery, digital agriculture, rural financial services, market development and nutrition, with strong focus on country ownership, local capacity development, inclusive participation, technology and organization innovation, as well as stronger and innovative South-South cooperation.

These new projects bring the Facility portfolio to a total of 17 projects for a total of US$7.7 million, reaching the rural poor in over 40 developing countries from Africa, Asia and Latin America, over a broad range of thematic areas, including productivity improvement, value chain upgrade, climate resilience enhancement, COVID-19 response and recovery and rural solution exchanges, etc.


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