Indigenous Peoples and climate financing: Experiences from IPAF
This report outlines success stories and lessons learned in climate finance for Indigenous Peoples through the Indigenous Peoples Assistance Facility (IPAF).
Agrobiodiversity is a resource that supports human and environmental wellbeing.
IFAD’s support for the better use of agrobiodiversity with specific reference to neglected and underutilized species (NUS) and a greater recognition of the traditional knowledge of Indigenous Peoples associated with the use of NUS and wild edibles are important for fighting food and nutrition insecurity, especially in the context of climate change. Both factors have the potential to promote and enhance a sustainable and nutrition-sensitive agriculture (NSA) and associated livelihood outcomes.
Five How to Do Notes accompany the NUS Operational Framework:
The How to Do Notes offer recommendations on practical methods, approaches, and tools for use-enhancement of NUS in both design and implementation of IFAD-funded projects to support more nutrition-sensitive agriculture.