Indigenous Peoples and climate financing: Experiences from IPAF
This report outlines success stories and lessons learned in climate finance for Indigenous Peoples through the Indigenous Peoples Assistance Facility (IPAF).
In 2017 IFAD commissioned an assessment of the fourth IPAF cycle with the aim to review and analyse the performance of regional partners in implementing the Facility and the results achieved in the execution of IPAF-funded projects between 2015 and 2018.
Overall, the fourth IPAF cycle supported the implementation of 25 projects in 23 countries for a total financing of US$1.05 million. The projects globally reached over 21,850 direct and 458,100 indirect beneficiaries. Projects improved livelihoods of indigenous communities by increasing food and nutrition security and income generation, enhancing access to and management of natural resources, preserving and recovering traditional knowledge, assets and techniques, and empowering communities by raising awareness on indigenous peoples’ rights and needs.
Acknowledging that there is an untapped potential for sustainable development, the report recommends that IFAD and IPAF partners strengthen their efforts to mobilize additional resources to reach a larger number of communities and beneficiaries.