Climate-smart irrigation reaps rewards for rural women
From Laos to Moldova, meet three women who are using climate-smart irrigation to adapt to their new normal.
Every day, a rural woman wakes up and sees the effects of climate change taking hold all around her.
She sees weather patterns change. Once-dependable crops are no longer thriving. Many nutritious foods are no longer available or affordable. The fields she once used to farm are wiped out by extreme weather events in the blink of an eye.
Nevertheless, she persists. In the face of constant struggles, rural women are helping their communities adapt to climate change.
Like Marta and Carmelina, who embarked on a journey from Guatemala to India to become the first solar engineers in their community, and came back to bring clean energy to hundreds of families.
Or like Salve and her group of sea patrols, who turned fishing into a sustainable practice for their coastal community in the Philippines, contributing to conserving unique marine biodiversity.
There is no solution to climate change without rural women. It’s time to invest in them. It’s time to let them lead the way.