Asset Publisher
Seventy-eighth session of the Evaluation Committee
Agenda Item 2
Agenda Item 3
Minutes of the seventy-sixth session of the Evaluation Committee
Minutes of the seventy-seventh session of the Evaluation Committee
Agenda Item 4
Corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's institutional efficiency and the efficiency of IFAD-funded operations: Matrix of recommendations regarding the efficiency of IFAD governing bodies
Agenda Item 5
Revised action plan on enhancing IFAD's efficiency with comments from the Independent Evaluation Office of IFAD
EC 2013/78/W.P.5 + Add.1
Agenda Item 6
PowerPoint presentation on lessons learned from evaluations of monitoring and evaluation systems
Agenda Item 7
Final Draft Report from the 2013 Evaluation Committee’s Country Visit to Vietnam
Agenda Item 2
Agenda Item 3
Minutes of the seventy-sixth session of the Evaluation Committee
Minutes of the seventy-seventh session of the Evaluation Committee
Agenda Item 4
Corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's institutional efficiency and the efficiency of IFAD-funded operations: Matrix of recommendations regarding the efficiency of IFAD governing bodies
Agenda Item 5
Revised action plan on enhancing IFAD's efficiency with comments from the Independent Evaluation Office of IFAD
EC 2013/78/W.P.5 + Add.1
Agenda Item 6
PowerPoint presentation on lessons learned from evaluations of monitoring and evaluation systems
Agenda Item 7
Draft report on the 2013 Evaluation Committee's country visit to Viet Nam
Point 2 de l’ordre du jour
Point 3 de l’ordre du jour
Minutes of the seventy-sixth session of the Evaluation Committee
Minutes of the seventy-seventh session of the Evaluation Committee
Point 4 de l’ordre du jour
Corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's institutional efficiency and the efficiency of IFAD-funded operations: Matrix of recommendations regarding the efficiency of IFAD governing bodies
Point 5 de l’ordre du jour
Revised action plan on enhancing IFAD's efficiency with comments from the Independent Evaluation Office of IFAD
EC 2013/78/W.P.5 + Add.1
Point 6 de l’ordre du jour
PowerPoint presentation on lessons learned from evaluations of monitoring and evaluation systems
Point 7 de l’ordre du jour
Final Draft Report from the 2013 Evaluation Committee’s Country Visit to Vietnam
Tema 2 del programa
Tema 3 del programa
Minutes of the seventy-sixth session of the Evaluation Committee
Minutes of the seventy-seventh session of the Evaluation Committee
Tema 4 del programa
Corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's institutional efficiency and the efficiency of IFAD-funded operations: Matrix of recommendations regarding the efficiency of IFAD governing bodies
Tema 5 del programa
Revised action plan on enhancing IFAD's efficiency with comments from the Independent Evaluation Office of IFAD
EC 2013/78/W.P.5 + Add.1
Tema 6 del programa
PowerPoint presentation on lessons learned from evaluations of monitoring and evaluation systems
Tema 7 del programa
Draft report on the 2013 Evaluation Committee's country visit to Viet Nam