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Forty-sixth session of the Evaluation Committee
Agenda item 2
Provisional agenda
Agenda item 3
Corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's Rural Finance Policy
EC 2006/46/W.P.2 + Corr.1
Agenda item 4
Country programme evaluation of Mali
Agenda item 5
Proposal – provisional agenda of the Evaluation Committee meetings 2007
Agenda item 6
IFAD Policy on Supervision and Implementation Support
EC 2006/46/W.P.4 + Executive summary and Agreement at Completion point: Corporate-level evaluation of the direct supervision pilot progroamme
Comments of the Office of Evaluation on the IFAD Policy on Supervision and Implementation Support
EC 2006/46/W.P.5 + Executive summary and Agreement at Completion point: Corporate-level evaluation of the direct supervision pilot progroamme
Agenda item 7
IFAD portfolio performance report, and comments of the Office of Evaluation
EC 2006/46/W.P.6 + Add.1
Agenda item 2
Provisional agenda
Agenda item 3
Corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's Rural Finance Policy
EC 2006/46/W.P.2 + Corr.1
Agenda item 4
Country programme evaluation of Mali
Agenda item 5
Proposal – provisional agenda of the Evaluation Committee meetings 2007
Agenda item 6
IFAD Policy on Supervision and Implementation Support
EC 2006/46/W.P.4 + Executive summary and Agreement at Completion point: Corporate-level evaluation of the direct supervision pilot progroamme
Comments of the Office of Evaluation on the IFAD Policy on Supervision and Implementation Support
EC 2006/46/W.P.5 + Executive summary and Agreement at Completion point: Corporate-level evaluation of the direct supervision pilot progroamme
Agenda item 7
IFAD portfolio performance report, and comments of the Office of Evaluation
EC 2006/46/W.P.6 + Add.1
Agenda item 2
Provisional agenda
Agenda item 3
Corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's Rural Finance Policy
EC 2006/46/W.P.2 + Corr.1
Agenda item 4
Country programme evaluation of Mali
Agenda item 5
Proposal – provisional agenda of the Evaluation Committee meetings 2007
Agenda item 6
IFAD Policy on Supervision and Implementation Support
EC 2006/46/W.P.4 + Executive summary and Agreement at Completion point: Corporate-level evaluation of the direct supervision pilot progroamme
Comments of the Office of Evaluation on the IFAD Policy on Supervision and Implementation Support
EC 2006/46/W.P.5 + Executive summary and Agreement at Completion point: Corporate-level evaluation of the direct supervision pilot progroamme
Agenda item 7
IFAD portfolio performance report, and comments of the Office of Evaluation
EC 2006/46/W.P.6 + Add.1
Tema 2 del programa
Programa provisional
Tema 3 del programa
Evaluación a nivel institucional de la política de financiación rural del FIDA
EC 2006/46/W.P.2 + Corr.1
Tema 4 del programa
Evaluación del programa de Malí
Tema 5 del programa
Proposal - provisional agenda of the Evaluation Committee meetings 2007 (Propuesta de programa provisional de los períodos de sesiones del Comité de Evaluación en 2007)
Tema 6 del programa
Política de supervisión y apoyo a la ejecución del FIDA
EC 2006/46/W.P.4 + Executive summary and Agreement at Completion point: Corporate-level evaluation of the direct supervision pilot progroamme
Examen de la política de supervisión y apoyo a la ejecución del FIDA y observaciones de la Oficina de Evaluación
EC 2006/46/W.P.5 + Executive summary and Agreement at Completion point: Corporate-level evaluation of the direct supervision pilot progroamme
Tema 7 del programa
Informe sobre los resultados de la cartera y observaciones de la Oficina de Evaluación
EC 2006/46/W.P.6 + Add.1