Asset Publisher
Seventy-first session of the Evaluation Committee
Agenda Item 2
Provisional agenda
Agenda Item 3
Minutes of the seventieth session
Agenda Item 4
Ghana: Country Programme Evaluation
Agenda Item 5
Viet Nam: Country Programme Evaluation
Agenda Item 6
Approach paper on the corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's direct supervision and implementation support policy
Agenda Item 7
IFAD's policy on gender equality and women's empowerment
EC 2012/71/W.P.6 + Add.1/Rev.1
Agenda Item 2
Provisional agenda
Agenda Item 3
Minutes of the seventieth session
Agenda Item 4
Ghana: Country Programme Evaluation
Agenda Item 5
Viet Nam: Country Programme Evaluation
Agenda Item 6
Approach paper on the corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's direct supervision and implementation support policy
Agenda Item 7
IFAD's policy on gender equality and women's empowerment
EC 2012/71/W.P.6 + Add.1/Rev.1
Point 2 de l’ordre du jour
Provisional agenda
Point 3 de l’ordre du jour
Minutes of the seventieth session
Point 4 de l’ordre du jour
Ghana: Country Programme Evaluation
Point 5 de l’ordre du jour
Viet Nam: Country Programme Evaluation
Point 6 de l’ordre du jour
Approach paper on the corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's direct supervision and implementation support policy
Point 7 de l’ordre du jour
IFAD's policy on gender equality and women's empowerment
EC 2012/71/W.P.6 + Add.1/Rev.1
Tema 2 del programa
Provisional agenda
Tema 3 del programa
Minutes of the seventieth session
Tema 4 del programa
Ghana: Country Programme Evaluation
Tema 5 del programa
Viet Nam: Country Programme Evaluation
Tema 6 del programa
Approach paper on the corporate-level evaluation of IFAD's direct supervision and implementation support policy
Tema 7 del programa
IFAD's policy on gender equality and women's empowerment
EC 2012/71/W.P.6 + Add.1/Rev.1