Grants design and management
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Grants design and management
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Grants Design and Management
Supporting agricultural research, innovation and pro-poor technologies
IFAD grants support research, innovation, institutional change and pro-poor technologies. They are closely linked to our country programmes and often support connections between different initiatives in a country.
Grant recipients include research organizations, centres of excellence involved in rural poverty reduction, NGOs, governments, and private sector and civil society organizations.
We extend two types of grants, depending on the nature of the innovation and the scope of intervention: global or regional grants, and country-specific grants.
- Global and regional grants fund innovative responses to rural and agricultural challenges being faced by several partner countries. These grants are driven by thematic and regional corporate-level strategic priorities for partnership, research, policy engagement and capacity-building.
- Grants for activities implemented in specific countries focus mainly on strengthening institutional, implementation and policy capacities and on innovating in thematic areas. Country-specific grants also pilot new technologies, approaches and methodologies that can subsequently be scaled up through IFAD’s country programmes and by other stakeholders.
The aim of grant financing is to:
- promote innovative, pro-poor approaches and technologies that have the potential to be scaled up for greater impact
- strengthen partners’ institutional and policy capacities
- enhance advocacy and policy engagement
- generate and share knowledge for development impact.
Call for proposals
Call for proposals
Call for Expressions of Interest: Capacity Building for IFAD’s Project Procurement investment portfolio (BUILD PROC)
Call for proposals: Grant to strengthen borrowers’ capacity on environmental, social and climate best practices
This call for proposals is to select a recipient or consortium of recipients to receive a three-year IFAD grant financing to implement the SUSTAIN project for a total IFAD grant of US$2 million.
Appel à propositions: Création de possibilités d’emploi pour la jeunesse rurale en Afrique
Cet appel à propositions vise à sélectionner un bénéficiaire ou un consortium de bénéficiaires pour recevoir un financement sous forme de don du FIDA sur quatre ans pour mettre en œuvre le projet : Opportunités d'emploi pour les jeunes ruraux - Appui à l'initiative des pôles agro-industriels intégrés
Related documents
Related documents
Region: East and Southern Africa
Related publications
Related publications
IFAD grants: A guided overview of financial management practices and procedures
This course aims to provide IFAD grant recipients with clear guidance on financial management requirements during project implementation.