IFAD’s core values

IFAD’s core values
IFAD’s core values
IFAD’s core values
IFAD looks for people who focus on results with integrity and professionalism, while respecting and promoting diversity. IFAD wants dynamic and adaptable people who are not afraid to be creative, proactive, flexible and responsive, and who are fair, impartial, honest and truthful.
Focus on results
We strive to achieve excellent results. We accept personal responsibility and accountability for our actions and results. We recognize achievement and reward high performance. We respond to the needs and expectations of our clients and stakeholders with urgency, exercising good judgement in addressing changing circumstances.
We exercise high levels of professionalism in our work and reward merit. We use the most appropriate skills and competencies, continually seeking opportunities to improve through innovative approaches. We work collaboratively towards our common goal of serving poor rural people regardless of individual roles or functions and apply the same ethos with our partners. We share our knowledge of best practices with colleagues at all levels to enhance the quality of our services.
We are driven by our commitment to enabling poor rural people to overcome poverty, and not by personal gain or alliances with vested interests. We protect and promote the reputation of IFAD. We are honest and act with integrity. We do not tolerate unethical behaviour; we challenge it as a matter of personal responsibility, regardless of our position in the organization.
We treat our staff, partners, donors and poor rural people with respect and sensitivity. We value diversity and draw upon the different strengths, cultures, ideas, experience and talents of people. We provide equal and fair opportunities for employment, career development and learning. We ensure a positive and energizing work environment.