Professional and general service
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Professional and general service
Professional and general service
IFAD looks for women and men who focus on results with integrity and professionalism, while respecting and promoting diversity. We want dynamic and adaptable people who are not afraid to be creative, proactive, flexible and responsive, and who are fair, impartial and honest.
Our employment areas include rural and agricultural development, gender, natural resource management, rural finance, local infrastructure development, financial management, monitoring and evaluation, nutrition, public health, food security, knowledge management, research and development, private and public partnership, development economics and business administration.
The Professional category demands a high level of analytical and communication skills, substantive expertise and managerial leadership ability. Typically, these positions require the incumbent to make decisions after careful analysis and evaluation of problems involving discretionary choices between alternative courses of action. The incumbent also requires an understanding of an organized body of theoretical knowledge at a level equivalent to that represented by a university degree.
While this knowledge is customarily and characteristically acquired through formal education, it may, in some fields of learning or specialized disciplines, be acquired through other training, self-study or practical experience. Within the Professional category, the Director category represents the highest level of the career staffing structure.
Directors are ultimately responsible for IFAD-supported programmes and projects, provide leadership to formulate and implement the substantive work programme of their division, determine priorities and allocate resources for the completion of outputs and their timely delivery.
National Professional Officer
A National Professional Officer (NPO) is recruited locally in the country of assignment and performs functions at the professional level. The qualifications for an NPO are the same as for the Professional category. Employment opportunities for NPOs are only available in non-headquarter duty stations. An NPO performs functions with a national context: those functions that require national experience or knowledge of the language(s), culture, institutions and systems of the country.
General Service
The functions in the General Service and related categories include administrative, secretarial and clerical support as well as specialized technical functions – for example, printing, security or building maintenance. The work carried out by General Service staff members is typically procedural, operational or technical in nature and ranges from routine duties to varied and complex assignments. Staff in the General Service and related categories are generally recruited locally from the area in which the particular office is located, but could be of any nationality. As a result, such staff members are normally not expected to move between different duty stations.
Other employment opportunities
IFAD partners with other organizations and governments for the recruitment of fellows, special programme officers and other individuals. Employment opportunities vary based on the agreement between IFAD and the sponsor.
IFAD advertises job openings at both the General Service and Professional staff levels. Professional-level positions, with the exception of more junior roles, normally require an advanced university degree. The required qualifications and experience are specified in detail in the job description of job opening. To apply, please login or register in our applicant system. Then click on ‘View all jobs’ and select the option under Job Opening Type, Staff Opportunities.
Short-term professional
Professional Short-term staff support regular staff functions. The salary range depends upon job experience and assignment. Short-term Professionals can be employed up to 11 months in a calendar year (with 30 continuous days of cooling-off every year), for a maximum of 44 cumulative months. A six-month break will be then required to be re-engaged by the organization.
Short-term General Service
Short-term General Service staff members fill temporary needs during peak workload periods. The required qualifications and experience vary based on the specific assignment. Short-term appointments are advertised as needed in our applicant system. After you login or register, click on ‘View all jobs’ and select the option under Job Opening Type, Staff Opportunities. Short-term General Service staff can be employed up to 11 months in a calendar year (with 30 continuous days of cooling-off every year), for a maximum of 44 cumulative months. A six-month break will be then required to be re-engaged by the organization.
An advanced university degree is required for professional and director level positions. However, a first-level university degree, combined with qualified work experience, may be accepted if so specified in the vacancy announcement.
Work experience
Work experience should be relevant to the job in question. The requirements for each job are specified in the job opening.
Language requirements
There are four official languages at IFAD: Arabic, English, French and Spanish. IFAD’s working language is English. Knowledge of an additional language is an asset but is not required for most jobs.