Transparency and accountability
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Transparency and accountability
Transparency and accountability
Promoting the highest standards of accountability
IFAD works to ensure that its resources reach poor rural people in the most, effective, efficient and transparent way.
We are committed to promoting and adhering to the highest standards of accountability in our work and through our funding.
Promoting efficiency through monitoring
Increased transparency encourages more careful monitoring and leads to higher-quality data, which in turn results in more effective use of resources.
IFAD has been a signatory of the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) since 2011, a voluntary, multi-stakeholder initiative that works with donors, partner countries and civil society organizations to make information about aid spending easier to access and use.
In 2014, IFAD began publishing a wide range of information on projects financed by IFAD and is committed to full compliance to the standard. Learn more about IFAD's work with IATI.
IFAD has a long history in public disclosure practices, and in 2010, adopted the principle of presumption of full disclosure of documents. Under this policy, the Fund proactively discloses all documents submitted to the Governing Bodies and reports produced during operational milestone activities such as country programme strategies, project design proposals, legal and financial documents as well as supervision and mid-term review reports.
In 2017, IFAD renewed its commitment to transparency in the new Business Model proposed for the fund's 11th replenishment cycle (2019-2021) and in the paper on increasing transparency for greater accountability presented during the 121st session of the Executive Board. Through these instruments, considerably more weight is given, organization-wide, to transparency. To achieve this, IFAD is taking concrete measures through a Transparency Action Plan, which includes a key commitment to help Governments become more transparent in agriculture.
Preventing fraud and corruption
In 2005, IFAD adopted an anticorruption policy, and in December 2018, IFAD revised its policy to align it to evolving best practices. The policy’s goal is to prevent fraud and corruption in IFAD-supported programmes and projects, and in contracts at the local, national, regional and international levels.
The Office of Audit and Oversight (AUO) ensures the application of IFAD’s anti-corruption policy that establishes zero-tolerance for fraud and corruption.
Fostering an ethical culture
Recognizing staff as our most valuable asset, we are committed to maintaining a working environment that ensures well-being and a respect for work-life balance. We also aim to foster an organizational culture in which individuals fulfil their responsibilities while respecting the dignity of their colleagues.
Dealing promptly and confidentially with cases of harassment, and providing guidance on how to prevent and manage conflicts of interest and unethical behaviour in the workplace, are key to fulfilling this commitment.
IFAD’s Ethics Office (ETH) works to ensure that the highest ethical standards are maintained at every level of the Fund’s work. It also protects our image and reputation.
IFAD's Social, Environmental and Climate Assessment Procedures
The Social, Environmental and Climate Assessment Procedures (SECAP) outlines how IFAD addresses the social, environmental and climate impacts associated with its programmes and projects. The procedures set the priorities for adopting guiding values and principles to promote social, environmental and climate adaptation benefits. Read more
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