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Operations Academy: Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) Theory of Change and Logical Framework
This course explains the Theory of Change and the Logical Framework in IFAD projects, the difference between the two and describes how to prepare them.
Operations Academy: Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) during implementation course
This course explains the planning, monitoring and evaluation activities during project implementation. It describes the annual planning process, the need for continuous data collection and project monitoring at every project phase. It discusses field visits, supervision missions, special studies, M&E for capacity building, transforming data into meaningful information and the completion process.
Operations Academy: Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) plan
This course introduces the M&E plan, its purpose and the key actors who must prepare it. It also presents suggestions for the contents.
Operations Academy: ICT4D in Agriculture - Digital Rural Finance
This advanced course builds on the ‘Fundamentals of ICT4D in Agriculture course’ to enhance knowledge and capacity among IFAD staff and members of Project Management Units to integrate agricultural digital technologies into IFAD’s work.
Operations Academy: ICT4D in Agriculture - Value Chains, Market Access and Bundled Services
This advanced course builds on the ‘Fundamentals of ICT4D in Agriculture’ course to further enhance IFAD staff’s knowledge and capacity to integrate agricultural digital technologies into IFAD’s work.
Operations Academy: ICT4D in Agriculture - Natural Resource Management, Biodiversity and Climate Adaptation
This advanced course builds on the ‘Fundamentals of ICT4D in Agriculture’ course to further IFAD staff’s understandings of key principles and approaches to integrate digital solutions into IFAD’s work.
Operations Academy: Risk Management
This course will give you an insight into the risk tools used during the project cycle.
Operations Academy: SECAP
This course introduces the main concepts of the updated Social, Environmental and Climate Assessment Procedures (SECAP).
Operations Academy: Country-Level Policy Engagement
This course introduces country-level policy engagement (CLPE) at IFAD.
Operations Academy: Country Strategic Opportunities Programmes (COSOPs) - Level 1
The Country Strategic Opportunities Programme (COSOP) trainings give an insight on what a COSOP is and how they are designed.
Operations Academy: Disability Inclusion in IFAD's Operations
This course introduces concepts related to disability inclusion.
Operations Academy: Economic and Financial Analysis
This course introduces the basics of Economic and Financial Analysis (EFA).
Operations Academy: Financial Management throughout the Project Cycle
This course covers financial management across the design, implementation and supervision stages of a project.
Operations Academy: Fundamentals of Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) - Level 1
This course introduces monitoring and evaluation (M&E), together with the framework and tools which support the process.
Operations Academy: IFAD Operational Guidelines on Pro-Poor Value Chain Development
This training provides a detailed overview of IFAD's Operational Guidelines and explains when and how these guidelines are applied.
Operations Academy: Introduction to IFAD Project Cycle
This course introduces IFAD’s project cycle.
Operations Academy: Mainstreaming priorities in IFAD operations
This course explains IFAD's vision for rural transformation and how Environment and Climate, Nutrition, Gender, Youth and Social Inclusion are interrelated.
Operations Academy: Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) in IFAD-financed projects
This course provides an overview of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) in IFAD-financed projects.
Operations Academy: Project Completion Report
This course explains the Project Completion Report.
Operations Academy: Project Start-Up - Level 1
This course introduces IFAD’s Project Start-up, explains why a Project Delivery Team (PDT) should strive for a swift project start-up and what it can do to facilitate this.