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Investing in rural people in Pakistan
Since IFAD began its operations in Pakistan in 1978, the focus has been on combating rural poverty by promoting integrated participatory rural development.
Investing in rural people in Nepal
Nepal was one of the first countries to benefit from IFAD loans, beginning in 1978.
Investir dans les populations rurales en République de Côte d’Ivoire
Depuis 1984, le FIDA a investi 174,65 millions d’USD dans 11 programmes et projets en Côte d’Ivoire, pour un financement total de 384,37 millions d’USD.
Investing in rural people in The Gambia
Since 1982, IFAD has supported 10 programmes and projects in The Gambia totalling US$93 million and directly benefiting more than 155,000 rural households.
Investing in rural people in Guinea-Bissau
Investing in rural people in Guinea
Investir dans les populations rurales en République islamique de Mauritanie
Investir dans les populations rurales au Sénégal
Au Sénégal, le FIDA suscite et accompagne les initiatives locales qui visent à améliorer la sécurité alimentaire, à augmenter les revenus des ruraux pauvres, à créer des emplois pour les jeunes et les femmes notamment et à améliorer leurs conditions de vie.
Grant Results Sheet: E-Project for Agricultural Development and Economic Empowerment (E-PADEE)
funding from the Republic of Korea in partnership with IFAD.
Investir dans les populations rurales au Cabo Verde
Depuis 1978, le FIDA a financé 5 projets et programmes de développement rural au Cabo Verde, pour un montant total de 49,9 millions d’USD.
Investir dans les populations rurales au Mali
Depuis 1982, le FIDA a financé 13 projets au Mali pour un coût total de 537 millions USD, dont 229 millions sous forme de prêts à conditions particulièrement favorables.
Grant Results Sheet: Innovative beef valuechain development schemes in Southern Africa
Investing in rural people in Tajikistan
IFAD has been investing in the rural poor in Tajikistan since 2008, by strengthening local institutions and grass-roots organizations, and expanding their access to land, productive technologies and resources.
Investing in rural people in Azerbaijan
IFAD has enjoyed a long history of a strong and successful partnership with the Government of Azerbaijan in rural poverty reduction and overall agricultural development efforts, with focused interventions in remote and sometimes difficult to reach areas of the country where extreme pockets of poverty exist.
Investing in rural people in Uzbekistan
Investing in rural people in Tunisia
Since 1980, IFAD has financed 13 rural development programmes and projects in Tunisia for a total cost of US$453 million, with an IFAD investment of US$194.6 million directly benefiting 125,850 rural households.
Grant Results Sheet: ICRAF - Climate-smart, Tree-based, Co-investment in Adaptation and Mitigation in Asia (Smart Tree-Invest)
Investing in rural people in Niger
Niger covers a landlocked 1,267,000 km² tract of the Sahel north of Nigeria. With a poverty rate of 48.9 per cent and income per capita of US$420, Niger is one of the world’s poorest nations. In 2015, it ranked last among 188 countries measured by the United Nations Human Development Index
China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility
The China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility was established in February 2018 and is the first Facility in IFAD dedicated to SSTC.
Grant Results Sheet: Linking farmers to Fairtrade markets in Papua New Guinea through ICT to improve livelihoods in remote rural areas
Grant results sheets - Inclusive growth, rural industrial policy and participatory value chains in Latin America and the Caribbean
Grant Results Sheet - ICRISAT: Sustainable Management of Cropbased Production Systems for Raising Agricultural Productivity in Rainfed Asia
Grant Results Sheet - APRACA: Enhancing access of poor rural people to sustainable financial services through policy dialogue, capacity-building and knowledge-sharing in rural finance
agroentrepreneurs, so they are better equipped to face emerging challenges and benefit from new opportunities.
Grant Results Sheet - ICIMOD: Improving livelihoods and enhancing resilience of the rural poor in the Hindu Kush Himalayas to environmental and socio-economic changes (AdaptHimal)
Grant results sheet - ROUTASIA: Strengthening Knowledge Sharing on Innovative Solutions Using the Learning Route Methodology in Asia and the Pacific – Phase 2
Grant Results Sheet: FundaK - The Outreach Project: Expanding and scaling up innovative financial inclusion and graduation strategies and tools in Africa
Investing in rural people in Peru
Grant Results Sheet: Integrated crop– livestock conservation agriculture for sustainable intensification of cereal-based systems in Central and West Asia and North Africa
Investing in rural people in Cameroon
Grant Results Sheet: CABFIN - Enhancing the CABFIN partnership’s delivery of policy guidance, capacity development and global learning to foster financial innovations and inclusive investments for agricultural and rural development
implement more effective interventions aimed at increasing access to rural and agricultural finance.