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Mapping nutrition-sensitive interventions in Eastern and Southern Africa
The purpose of this study is to map nutrition-sensitive interventions in IFAD-funded projects in the ESA region, and to provide guidance for effective nutrition mainstreaming operations.
The specific objectives are to:
(1) map the various interventions used in delivering nutrition-sensitive activities;
(2) identify pathways for nutrition outcomes;
(3) evaluate the scale and scope of intervention implementation;
(4) assess the effect of the project on beneficiaries;
(5) identify and map areas of opportunities for scaling up;
and (6) identify challenges, weaknesses and gaps.
Investing in rural people in the Kingdom of Morocco
Investing in rural people in the Philippines
Addressing climate change in Eastern Africa through evergreen agriculture
Smallholder pig value chain development project
Banana and plantain improvement
developed countries (FAOSTAT, 2013). They are produced in 135 countries and territories across the tropics and subtropics. The vast majority of producers are smallholder farmers
who grow the crop for either home consumption or local markets. Less than 15 per cent of the global production of more than 130 million metric tons is exported. Today, the
international banana trade, totaling around 17 million metric tons, is worth over US$7 billion per year (FAOSTAT).
Sharing a vision, achieving results - Partnership between the Netherlands and the International Fund for Agricultural Development
Investir dans les populations rurales en République démocratique du Congo
Les programmes et projets du FIDA en République démocratique du Congo mettent l’accent sur une transformation inclusive et durable du monde agricole et rural au sens large.
Ghana IAP factsheet
Ethiopia IAP factsheet
Kenya IAP factsheet
Uganda IAP factsheet
Swaziland IAP factsheet
Senegal IAP factsheet
The Integrated Approach Programme on food security in Sub-Saharan Africa targets agro-ecological systems where the need to enhance food security is directly linked to opportunities for generating local and global environmental benefits.
Niger IAP factsheet
Malawi IAP factsheet
Rural finance: Sustainable and inclusive financing for rural transformation
PARM factsheet
Investing in rural people in Liberia
Investing in rural people in Sierra Leone
Since initiating its first project in the country in 1980, IFAD has provided a total of US$116.2 million in financing through eight loans and three grants for programmes and projects with a total cost of US$251.9 million. The investment has benefited 513,500 households. Operations were suspended during the civil war and resumed after it ended in 2002.
At that time, IFAD and the African Development Bank established a joint programme coordination unit to facilitate the management and increase the cost-effectiveness of operations in agriculture and the rural sector.
IFAD in Central and Eastern Europe and the Newly Independent States (CEN)
in 59 projects in 13 countries of the CEN region.
IFAD’s engagement in Least Developed Countries: A review
Investing in rural people in Paraguay
IFAD-funded operations in Paraguay focus on empowering smallholder farmers and indigenous families by creating and strengthening rural organizations - in terms of governance, organizational administration and service capacity - to provide members with the tools they need to manage their own development.
Investing in rural people in Bolivia
IFAD, paying special attention to the needs of disadvantaged groups such as women, youth and indigenous peoples, focuses on strengthening the capacities of rural organizations to assist smallholder farmers in developing profitable rural businesses and tools and strategies to help cope with the challenges posed by climate change.
To achieve this goal, IFAD, in partnership with the Government of Bolivia, designs programmes to develop the technical and business skills of rural organizations, introducing technological innovations to add value to agricultural products by improving their quality and helping smallholder producers to be more competitive.
Furthermore, IFAD-funded operations facilitate the development of public-private joint ventures that help smallholder producers to gain access to markets and value chains.
ASAP The Gambia Factsheet
ASAP Tanzania factsheet
The programme will focus on the development of the sugarcane industry
in Bagamoyo, while also building the local populations resilience to climate change.
ASAP Madagascar factsheet
markets and other economic opportunities.
ASAP Bangladesh factsheet
change-related shift towards pre-monsoon rainfall is coinciding with the paddy rice pre-harvest period. This severely affects food output in the Haor, which provides up to 16 per cent of national rice production.
10 points for a strategic approach to partnering with the private sector
GEF Ethiopia factsheet
The Community-based Integrated Natural Resources Management Project is located in the Lake Tana Watershed within Amhara National Regional State. The project covers 21 Woredas (districts) comprising 347 kebeles.
Project operations will consist of two components, namely: (i) Community-Based Integrated Watershed Management; and (ii) Institutional, Legal and Policy Analysis and Reform.