In Brief


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Project Brief: Improving Agricultural Resilience to Salinity through Development and Promotion of Pro-poor Technologies (RESADE)

July 2024

RESADE is improving food security, agricultural productivity and incomes of poor smallholder farmers in salinity-affected areas in seven countries. It does so by introducing salt-tolerant crops, using suitable agronomic management practices, developing value chains for new crops, building capacity, influencing national development policies, providing good quality seeds.

Project Brief: Agricultural Transformation in Nigerian Federal States and Togolese Regions Towards Achieving Zero Hunger

July 2024

Increasing food demand is a key concern in Nigeria and Togo as price increases exacerbate poverty. The project improves food security and agricultural productivity within the rice and cassava value chains by introducing resilient crop varieties, improving crop management practices and implementing enabling policies.

Programme Brief: Agroecological Transitions for Building Resilient and Inclusive Agricultural and Food Systems

July 2024

This brief describes the Agroecological Transitions programme which empowers farmers in low- and middle-income countries to make climate-informed agroecological transitions.

Infographic: IFAD13 at a glance

May 2024

This infographic outlines the main elements of IFAD13, including our ambitions, targets, approaches and tools.

The IFAD-GEF Advantage III: An integrated approach for food systems, climate and nature

August 2023

This third edition of the GEF-IFAD Advantage highlights the partnership's advantages in various domains, including food systems, biodiversity, climate change adaptation and land degradation.

A task list for multilateral agencies: the possibilities of Bridgetown

July 2023

The policy brief focuses on the challenge of equitable and sustainable development for all and proposes a task list for multilateral development agencies and outlines potential for reform.

INSURED - Insurance for rural resilience and economic development

June 2023

INSURED is a technical assistance programme working to strengthen agricultural insurance in IFAD’s portfolio.

Systèmes alimentaires en action: Burundi – un contexte socio-économique complexe

April 2023

Cette étude de cas montre comment l'adoption d'une approche holistique des systèmes alimentaires sensibles aux enjeux nutritionnels peut conduire à des résultats durables.

Financing Facility for Remittances Knowledge Products

February 2023

Since its inception in 2006, IFAD’s Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR), has produced a large number of publications and information material with global outreach. This pamphlet aims to provide the reader with a quick overview of each, with a link to the dedicated webpage.

Climate Action Report 2021

November 2022

This fourth edition of IFAD’s Climate Action Report does not restrict itself to reviewing the progress and results of the past year, but also situates these results within the larger context of IFAD's 11th Replenishment.

PRIME Africa

June 2022

Remittances sent by migrant workers to and within Africa were over US$85 billion in 2018, of which US$25 billion were sent by migrants residing in Europe.

Additional languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Portuguese

Challenges and perspectives in the food and agriculture sector in post-2020 China

February 2022

This policy note discusses how China could further advance its food and agricultural development model, making it greener, more sustainable, and more inclusive.

Poverty alleviation and rural revitalization in post-2020 China - Challenges and recommendations

February 2022

This policy note discusses the challenges and opportunities for China to update its development model to reflect the new context. It suggests three priority areas and nine policy actions which China should focus on.

2021 at a glance

February 2022

This infographic presents highlights of IFAD’s work in 2021. 

Climate Action Report 2020

November 2021

This third edition of the IFAD Climate Action Report (CAR) describes the efforts that IFAD has made during the year to integrate climate change into every aspect of its plans and operations. 

Infographic: IFAD12 at a glance

February 2021

This infographic outlines the main elements of IFAD12: our ambitions, targets, approaches and tools.

Infographic: 2020 at a glance

February 2021
An overview of IFAD’s work in 2020. Learn about our response to the COVID-19 pandemic and about our initiatives that are enabling us to do more to build rural people's resilience. 

Tunisia: Detecting change with remote sensing

January 2021
This case study presents an analysis undertaken for the IFAD-funded Agropastoral Value Chains Project in the Governorate of Médenine, Tunisia.

Sierra Leone: Fighting fires with rice paddies

January 2021

This GIS study shows that the development of rice paddies in Sierra Leone has led to fewer forest fires.

The FO4ACP programme

October 2020

The FO4ACP programme aims to support small-scale and family farmers in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries by strengthening farmers’ organizations.

IFAD Policy Brief on Engagement with Indigenous Peoples

October 2020

Indigenous peoples, who often live in rural areas of developing countries and face high levels of poverty and food insecurity, are an important constituency for IFAD.

The Agri-Business Capital Fund (ABC Fund)

May 2020

The Agri-Business Capital Fund (ABC Fund) invests in smallholder farmers and rural small and medium-sized enterprises in developing countries to support sustainable and inclusive agricultural value chains. 

IFAD and Farmers' Organizations - Partnership in Progress: 2016-2019

February 2020
Report to the seventh global meeting of the Farmers’ Forum, in conjunction with the forty-third session of IFAD’s Governing Council. 

IFAD at a glance

January 2020
IFAD is the only multilateral development institution that focuses exclusively on transforming rural economies and food systems.
Additional languages: Arabic, English, Spanish, French, Italian

Climate Action Report 2019

December 2019

The Climate Action Report 2019 provides an overview of IFAD’s work on climate change and reports on progress, challenges and achievements.

The Latin America and Caribbean Advantage: Family farming – a critical success factor for resilient food security and nutrition

December 2019
Development projects that integrate investments in rural indigenous people, youth and women with measures to adapt to climate change are more likely to be successful in Latin America and the Caribbean, according to a new report launched today by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).

The West and Central Africa Advantage: Fighting fragility for smallholder resilience

November 2019

A new report from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) shows that by working with women, men, young people and indigenous peoples as change agents we are best placed to beat back the impact of climate change on rural communities in West and Central Africa (WCA).

The Fisheries and Aquaculture Advantage: Fostering food security and nutrition, increasing

November 2019

This report presents selected achievements and lessons from the growing portfolio of fisheries and aquaculture investments supported by IFAD.

Policy brief: Partnering with indigenous peoples for the SDGs

October 2019
The involvement of indigenous peoples is key to achieving the ambitions of the SDGs.

The Food Loss Reduction Advantage: Building sustainable food systems

September 2019
Around one third of the food globally produced is estimated to be lost or wasted along the supply chain. These losses affect disproportionally developing countries.

Gender-transformative adaptation - From good practice to better policy

September 2019
Gender inequality is one of the most pervasive threats to sustainable development. It has negative impacts on access to, use of and control over a wide range of resources, and on the ability to fulfil human rights.

Policy brief: Investing in nutrition

August 2019
After years of decline in hunger, the number of undernourished people has been on the rise for several years in a row. 

Harnessing smallholder potential for wheat production in Africa – reducing wheat import bills

August 2019
To reduce the amount of foreign currency spent on importing wheat, it is essential to use improved varieties and practices to increase Africa’s domestic production quickly.

Stocktake of the use of household methodologies in IFAD’s portfolio

June 2019
This report presents the findings from a desk-based review of household methodologies (HHM) activities and results in the IFAD loan portfolio and a consultation with individuals with first-hand experience of HHM. 

International Day of Family Remittances booklet 2019

June 2019
International Day of Family Remittances booklet for 2019

BAPA+50 - Achieving rural transformation through South-South and Triangular Cooperation

March 2019

This paper is a contribution to the celebration of the fortieth anniversary of the Buenos Aires Plan of Action for Promoting and Implementing Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries (TCDC) (UN, 1978), which gave birth to what is known today, in the UN system and beyond, as “South-South and Triangular Cooperation" (SSTC). 

The African Agriculture Fund (AAF) Technical Assistance Facility (TAF): Impact brief

March 2019
The African Agriculture Fund (AAF) Technical Assistance Facility (TAF) officially closed on 31 October 2018 after seven years of implementation. The TAF had a mandate to increase economic and physical access to food for low-income Africans by providing technical assistance to the portfolio companies of the AAF. 

Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development 2018 – Official Report

February 2019

This report presents the highlights and key outcomes of the first country-led Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development, hosted by Bank Negara Malaysia in collaboration with IFAD and the World Bank Group.

The Indigenous Peoples Assistance Facility: Linking grass-roots indigenous peoples’ organizations and the international community

February 2019

Indigenous and tribal peoples and ethnic minorities are disproportionately represented among the rural poor. Many of the poorest communities of indigenous peoples are difficult to reach through mainstream development programmes.

The Indigenous Peoples Assistance Facility (IPAF) - Assessment of the performance of the fourth IPAF cycle

February 2019
In 2017 IFAD commissioned an assessment of the fourth IPAF cycle with the aim to review and analyse the performance of regional partners in implementing the Facility and the results achieved in the execution of IPAF-funded projects between 2015 and 2018.

Policy brief: Harnessing the role of rural people to promote more inclusive and equal societies

December 2018
Inequality holds back national growth and prevents economic development. Poor rural people are among the most marginalized groups but can act as catalysts of economic growth across developing countries when infrastructure, services and institutions are in place to enable them to contribute to development processes.

Climate action report 2018

November 2018
This Climate Action Report aims to present an overview of how IFAD is working to put into action its climate change mainstreaming agenda. It is intended not as a comprehensive review of its portfolio, but rather to provide its stakeholders with an understanding of how IFAD is stepping up its efforts and ambitions to contribute to addressing one of the greatest challenges faced, most acutely, by the rural poor. This report focuses on recent progress in 2017 

CACHET - Climate and Commodity Hedging to Enable Transformation

November 2018
The Climate and Commodity Hedging to Enable Transformation (CACHET) initiative supports smallholder farmers against price and climate volatility negatively affecting their revenues.

The Youth Advantage: Engaging young people in green growth

November 2018

In 2030, young people will make up around 15 per cent of the world’s population, and rural youth about 6 per cent. Some regions are even expected to see a “youth bulge” or a significantly higher proportion of young people.

Sustainable rural transformation in the Asia and the Pacific region

November 2018
The Asia and the Pacific region has made tremendous gains over the past decade, with substantial reductions in poverty. IFAD has been a trusted partner in the region and financed over 300 projects in the four decades of its engagement.

Rome-based Agencies Resilience Initiative: Strengthening the resilience of livelihoods in protracted crises in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Niger and Somalia

October 2018
Canada is partnering with the United Nations Rome-based agencies (RBAs) – the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP) – to further test in the field their joint Conceptual framework for strengthening resilience for food security and nutrition. 

IFAD in the thousand hills of Rwanda: Transforming agriculture into business

October 2018
A model for successful project implementation

Rural people and mobility: How to respond to opportunities in a changing world

October 2018
People’s movement between rural and urban areas is necessary for stable and vibrant modern economies.

Scaling up in agriculture and rural development

September 2018
The who, what, where, why and how of Scaling Up.

Transforming rural lives Building a prosperous and sustainable future for all

September 2018
IFAD’s vision of inclusive and sustainable rural transformation fits closely with the ambitions of the 2030 Agenda. We work to create the social and economic conditions that can transform rural areas into places of prosperity and hope, where people can build decent livelihoods. Increasingly, IFAD acts as an assembler of development finance, mobilizing resources from a range of sources to fund projects that empower poor rural people to grow, process and sell more food, increase their incomes and determine the direction of their own lives. 
