In Brief


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Project Brief: Improving Agricultural Resilience to Salinity through Development and Promotion of Pro-poor Technologies (RESADE)

July 2024

RESADE is improving food security, agricultural productivity and incomes of poor smallholder farmers in salinity-affected areas in seven countries. It does so by introducing salt-tolerant crops, using suitable agronomic management practices, developing value chains for new crops, building capacity, influencing national development policies, providing good quality seeds.

Project Brief: Agricultural Transformation in Nigerian Federal States and Togolese Regions Towards Achieving Zero Hunger

July 2024

Increasing food demand is a key concern in Nigeria and Togo as price increases exacerbate poverty. The project improves food security and agricultural productivity within the rice and cassava value chains by introducing resilient crop varieties, improving crop management practices and implementing enabling policies.

Programme Brief: Agroecological Transitions for Building Resilient and Inclusive Agricultural and Food Systems

July 2024

This brief describes the Agroecological Transitions programme which empowers farmers in low- and middle-income countries to make climate-informed agroecological transitions.

Infographic: IFAD13 at a glance

May 2024

This infographic outlines the main elements of IFAD13, including our ambitions, targets, approaches and tools.

The IFAD-GEF Advantage III: An integrated approach for food systems, climate and nature

August 2023

This third edition of the GEF-IFAD Advantage highlights the partnership's advantages in various domains, including food systems, biodiversity, climate change adaptation and land degradation.

A task list for multilateral agencies: the possibilities of Bridgetown

July 2023

The policy brief focuses on the challenge of equitable and sustainable development for all and proposes a task list for multilateral development agencies and outlines potential for reform.

INSURED - Insurance for rural resilience and economic development

June 2023

INSURED is a technical assistance programme working to strengthen agricultural insurance in IFAD’s portfolio.

Systèmes alimentaires en action: Burundi – un contexte socio-économique complexe

April 2023

Cette étude de cas montre comment l'adoption d'une approche holistique des systèmes alimentaires sensibles aux enjeux nutritionnels peut conduire à des résultats durables.

Financing Facility for Remittances Knowledge Products

February 2023

Since its inception in 2006, IFAD’s Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR), has produced a large number of publications and information material with global outreach. This pamphlet aims to provide the reader with a quick overview of each, with a link to the dedicated webpage.
