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Interventions for Women's Empowerment in Developing Countries: An Evidence Gap Map
This evidence gap map (EGM) visualises the areas in which most research on effective interventions for women’s empowerment is concentrated—and where there are gaps.
Effectiveness of Life Skills Training Interventions for the Empowerment of Women in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review
This systematic review evaluates the effectiveness of life skills training programmes for empowering women in developing countries.
Evidence Review on the Effectiveness of Interventions Promoting Women's Empowerment in Developing Countries: Approach Paper
This approach paper describes the strategy for data collection and analysis and the contours of the evidence gap map and systematic review.
Effectiveness of life skills interventions for the empowerment of women in developing countries: Protocol for a Systematic Review
This protocol for the systematic review details the methods used in the meta-analysis.
Stock-taking exercise on Livestock Farmer Field Schools: East and Southern Africa
This report reviews and documents lessons learned from livestock farmer field schools in four IFAD-funded projects that applied this approach in Madagascar, Malawi, Rwanda and Tanzania (Zanzibar).
PIRAS Country Update: Solomon Islands
PIRAS supports COVID-19 food system and economic recovery. In Solomon Islands, it works across 30 communities to support sustainable food production, to improve nutrition, and to strengthen inclusive local value chains.
PIRAS Country Update: Fiji
PIRAS supports COVID-19 food system and economic recovery. In Fiji, it works in 70 villages and supports food production, post-harvest handling and market access.
PIRAS Country Update: Tonga
PIRAS supports COVID-19 food system and economic recovery. In Tonga, it tackles the urgent agricultural needs emerging from the January 2022 Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha’apai volcanic eruption and tsunami.
PIRAS Country Update: Vanuatu
PIRAS supports COVID-19 food system and economic recovery. In Vanuatu, it works to increase food production, improve nutrition and strengthen market links for rural communities.
Climate-smart agriculture: A synthesis of experiences and lessons from the NEN region
This publication describes Climate-smart agriculture case studies in Egypt, Georgia, Moldova and Somalia.
Improve partnerships between Post and Money Transfer Operators for better remittance services to rural Africa
This flyer was produced in the framework of the African Postal Financial Services Initiative (APFSI) to highlight the improved partnerships between the Post and Money Transfer Operators to provide remittance services in rural areas.
IFAD Briefing Note: COP27 - A High-level Analysis of Proceedings
After COP27, this paper discusses the proceedings most pertinent to IFAD’s mission of investing in rural people and helping them build resilience to climate change.
Introduction to community pasture management plans in Kyrgyzstan
This publication synthesizes IFAD’s experience on introducing Community Pasture Management Plans in Kyrgyzstan and how the historical and legal context led to the creation of a modernized and sustainable pasture management system.
Lessons Learned from Supporting Pluralistic Extension Services in Asia and Africa
This report outlines ten lessons from 23 IFAD-supported projects that worked with PESPs to support efficient, inclusive and sustainable pluralistic extension systems.
Research Series 87: Incorporating the Impact of Climate and Weather Variables in Impact Assessments
This paper outlines a methodological strategy for incorporating weather and long-term climate conditions into impact assessments, based on an IFAD-supported project that invested in grain storage in Chad.
On Air Dialogues – Listening to Rural Africans
Farm Radio International’s On Air Dialogues gathered the perspectives and experiences of rural people in Ethiopia and Burkina Faso as they contend with climate change. People responded to poll questions and left voice messages sharing their opinions on and experiences of climate change and what global leaders should do to help them adapt and prosper.
ASAP Technical Series: Gender and Climate Change
This paper defines gender sensitive as recognizing different roles of women, men, boys and girls, inequalities and gender power dynamics and trying to mitigate negative impacts in programme/action design.
The Rome-Based Agencies Joint initiative for Home-Grown School Feeding
FAO, IFAD and WFP are leveraging South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) to support national Home-Grown School Feeding Programmes (HGSF).
Agricultural innovations elevating Africa
This publication highlights some of the innovations in rural development promoted in Kenya, Tanzania and other African countries by IFAD and AGRA.
The Republic of Korea–IFAD partnership
The Republic of Korea is one of the founding members of IFAD and currently sits on the Fund’s Executive Board. The Republic of Korea and IFAD remain committed to eradicating poverty and hunger, and to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).