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Annual Report 2003
Learn more about IFAD’s work to promote rural transformation in our 2003 Annual Report. Discover how our investments are empowering rural women and men, and review the facts and figures we share with our Member States and partners. You can also find out more about our advocacy work on behalf of rural communities worldwide.
Potenciar la capacidad de acción de los pobres de las zonas rurales mediante el acceso a la tierra
Annual report 2003 - part 2
a mature development institution focused on eradicating rural poverty. The timely and successful completion of the Sixth Replenishment at the 2003 Council
underlined the commitment of Member States to IFAD’s mission. The Governing Council also agreed to initiatives to strengthen the institution in the coming years.
Annual report 2003 - part 3
IFAD annual report 2002 - part 3
IFAD annual report 2002 - part 2
Development Support Project, for example, will help develop the social capital of the rural poor in an area covering both the forest and Sahelian zones of the country.
This will be done through support to grass-roots organizations and local development institutions, promotion of functional literacy, and establishment of participatory
planning processes for local development, in which traditionally marginalized groups can have an effective voice. The Niger Project for the Promotion of
Local Initiative for Development in Aguié, which is a second-phase operation, seeks to consolidate innovative first phase accomplishments by further strengthening
consultation and decentralized decision-making processes between rural communities and public and private service providers.
IFAD Annual Report 2002
Learn more about IFAD’s work to promote rural transformation in our 2002 Annual Report. Discover how our investments are empowering rural women and men, and review the facts and figures we share with our Member States and partners. You can also find out more about our advocacy work on behalf of rural communities worldwide.
The rural poor - Survival or a better life?
especially those in areas that are biophysically marginal or socio-economically marginalized. Sustainable rural development depends on successfully addressing the
twin challenges of poverty and environmental degradation. There are 1.2 billion people living in extreme poverty, and of these, 900 million live in rural areas where they depend directly or indirectly on agriculture to survive. The paper gives a brief overview of rural development in the context of the Millennium Development Goals and AGENDA 21, which call for concerted action to address the problems of the rural poor and the limitations of their natural resource base.
Enabling the rural poor to overcome their poverty
Through low-interest loans and grants, it develops and finances programmes and projects that enable poor rural people to overcome poverty themselves.
IFAD and NGOs - Dynamic partnership to fight rural poverty
IFAD’s collaboration with NGOs began shortly after the creation of the Fund, when it supported the Small Farmer Agricultural Credit Project in Bangladesh.
IFAD Annual Report 2001
Annual Report 2001 - part 2
the Consultation to Review the Adequacy of the Resources Available to IFAD 2000-2002. The document contains a plan of action for improvement of the
Fund’s operations with respect to project portfolio performance and impact assessment, knowledge management, policy and institutional environment and strategic
Annual report 2001 - part 3
positions of President and Vice President) and 181 general service positions. The increase in staffing levels results from the regularization of long-term temporary
general service staff into fixed-term positions (from 158 in 2000 to 181 in 2001). As at 31 December 2001, the number of filled positions totaled 283.5; of these
positions, 113 were in the professional category and above, and 170.5 in the general service category. Staff in the professional and higher categories comprised
nationals of 49 Member States, reflecting the Fund’s adherence to the principle of geographical distribution, and the proportion of women stood at 33%.