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Rapid Evidence Assessment: The role of smallholder producers and small and medium-sized enterprises across the Food Systems Summit action tracks
This Rapid Evidence Assessment summarizes the role of smallholder producers and SMEs across the five Action Tracks associated with the Food Systems Summit 2022.
Investing in rural people in Sri Lanka
Altogether, IFAD has implemented 19 projects in Sri Lanka, benefiting 654,832 households at a total cost of US$654.57 million (with IFAD providing US$340.49 million in financing).
Draft Report for Feedback: IFAD13 Replenishment Report
The draft IFAD13 Replenishment report reflects the discussions of IFAD’s Member States held throughout the IFAD13 Consultation process, including in defining priorities, targets, and commitments to guide IFAD's work during the IFAD13 period, from 2025 to 2027.
A learning framework for inclusive, integrated and innovative public policy cycles for family farming
This framework was designed through a participatory process with various stakeholders. It aims to increase understanding of public policy cycles and family farming-related policies.
Youth and Jobs in The Era of Climate Change, Conflict and Crisis: An Evidence and Gap Map
This evidence and gap map (EGM) plots studies on the effectiveness of interventions for youth employment in developing countries in the context of climate change, conflict and crisis, demonstrating where evidence exists and where it is lacking.
INSURED Indonesia Country Update: Making climate risk insurance available to small-scale producers
IFAD’s INSURED programme has been working with partners in Indonesia to improve the availability of climate risk insurance that enables farmers to strengthen their resilience.
China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility Project Factsheets
These factsheets highlight the achievements of 9 projects.