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Toolkit: Loan guarantee funds

October 2014
This note provides an overview on Loan Guarantee Funds highlighting the main issues, challenges, opportunities and benefits.

Toolkit: Community-based financial organizations

October 2014
This note provides an overview on IFAD's support to community-based financial organizations highlighting the main issues, challenges, opportunities and benefits.

Toolkit: Key performance indicators and performance-based agreements

October 2014
This note provides an overview on key performance indicators and performance-based agreements highlighting the main issues, challenges, opportunities and benefits.

Lines of Credit

October 2014
This note provides an overview on lines of credit illustrating the the key issues and the main challenges, opportunities and benefits.

Case study: Household Mentoring, Uganda

October 2014
This case study illustrates how Household Mentoring has been used effectively in Uganda, highlighting how it has worked in a particular context. Links are provided to resources and online materials.

Toolkit: Household methodologies: harnessing the family's potential for change

October 2014
The toolkit on Household Methodologies (HHMs) is composed of three parts.

Toolkit: Commodity value chain development projects

October 2014

Strong links to markets for poor rural producers are essential to increasing agricultural income, generating economic growth in rural areas and reducing hunger and poverty. Every product that is sold locally, nationally or internationally is often part of an agricultural value chain (VC). From a development perspective, VCs are one of the instruments through which market forces can be harnessed to benefit poor rural women and men – not just producers, but wage earners, service providers and others.

How to do note: Participatory land-use planning

October 2014
This How To Do Note provides a description of the participatory land-use planning (PLUP) methodology with the steps that should be followed to implement it in IFAD interventions with some practical examples of how this has been done. 

How to do note: Land tenure in IFAD project design

October 2014

This How To Do Note provides guidance on how to carry out a land assessment at the project design stage.

Through this assessment, it will be possible to identify key land tenure issues in the project area and to indicate how they can be resolved through project activities and interventions.
