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Impact Assessment: Gente de Valor – Rural Communities Development Project in the Poorest Areas of the State of Bahia
The Rural Communities Development in the Poorest Areas of the State of Bahia (Project Gente de Valor) was designed to strengthen the capacity of rural communities to thrive in the drought-prone environment of Brazil's north-east region through improved access to water, increased productive capacity, and empowerment of participating communities.
Renewable Energy for Smallholder Agriculture (RESA)
Projet pour Accélérer l’Atteinte de l’OMD1c ‘‘PROPA-O’’ - Les resultats
L’objectif principal du PROPA-O est d’accélérer les progrès vers la réalisation des OMD-1c; en l’occurrence réduire de moitié la proportion des personnes qui souffrent de la faim à l’horizon 2015 au Burundi.
Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition in the Near East and North Africa 2019
Uganda: Impact Assessment of the Small and Medium Agribusiness Development Fund (SMADF), Baseline Report No. 1: Sesaco Ltd.
This is a baseline report for the impact assessment of the Yield Uganda Investment Fund (YUIF), an investment fund that provides targeted financing to small and medium agribusinesses (SMAs) to help them overcome barriers to accessing capital.
Uganda: Impact Assessment of the Small and Medium Agribusiness Development Fund (SMADF), Baseline Report No. 2: Central Coffee Farmers Association (CECOFA)
The Agri-Business Capital Fund (ABC Fund)
The Agri-Business Capital Fund (ABC Fund) invests in smallholder farmers and rural small and medium-sized enterprises in developing countries to support sustainable and inclusive agricultural value chains.
Investing in rural people in Sao Tome and Principe
IFAD grants: A guided overview of financial management practices and procedures
This course aims to provide IFAD grant recipients with clear guidance on financial management requirements during project implementation.