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Investing in Livestock for Improved and Resilient Livelihoods, Nutrition and Climate Action
This position paper outlines five recommendations for livestock investments to deliver better climate outcomes while supporting livelihoods and nutrition.
Project Brief: Agricultural Transformation in Nigerian Federal States and Togolese Regions Towards Achieving Zero Hunger
Increasing food demand is a key concern in Nigeria and Togo as price increases exacerbate poverty. The project improves food security and agricultural productivity within the rice and cassava value chains by introducing resilient crop varieties, improving crop management practices and implementing enabling policies.
Photobook: Nurturing rural livelihoods in the Niger Delta
The Livelihood Improvement Family Enterprises in the Niger Delta (LIFE-ND) project in southern Nigeria helps unemployed rural youth and women make a living from agriculture by developing entrepreneurial skills.
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2024
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World report 2024 presents the latest updates on the food security and nutrition situation around the world, including updated estimates on the cost and affordability of healthy diets.
Guidelines for measuring gender transformative change in the context of food security, nutrition and sustainable agriculture
In the framework of the EU-RBA Joint Programme on Gender Transformative Approaches for Food Security and Nutrition, these Guidelines aim at enhancing the capacity of research and development partners to design, implement, monitor and evaluate gender transformative interventions.
Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean 2023
The 2023 edition of the Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean presents an update of the data and trends in food security and nutrition in recent years.
2022 Year in Review: Joint Programme on Gender Transformative Approaches for Food Security and Nutrition
This year in review is a snapshot of the Joint Programme on Gender Transformative Approaches for Food Security and Nutrition in 2022.
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2023
Urbanization, agrifood systems transformation and healthy diets across the rural–urban continuum.
Addressing overweight and obesity in LMICs in rural development and food systems: A country mapping
This report combines the results of an exploratory country mapping commissioned by IFAD on overweight and obesity.
Addressing overweight and obesity in LMICs in rural development and food systems: A comprehensive literature review
This literature review explores how IFAD can contribute to food system transformation and mitigate the rising incidence of overweight and obesity in low and middle-income countries.
IFAD Research Series - Issue 91: Addressing overweight and obesity in LMICs in the realm of rural development and food systems
This paper presents the findings of a literature review of the main drivers of overweight and obesity, described using a food systems framework and illustrated with examples from five countries.
Reducing rural poverty and enhancing food security in Tajikistan
This booklet highlights the stories of some of the participants to the Community-based Agricultural Support Project in rural Tajikistan.
Systèmes alimentaires en action: Burundi – un contexte socio-économique complexe
Cette étude de cas montre comment l'adoption d'une approche holistique des systèmes alimentaires sensibles aux enjeux nutritionnels peut conduire à des résultats durables.
Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition in Latin America and the Caribbean 2022
This publication offers a regional overview of the socioeconomic state of the region; national and regional data and trends regarding the costs and affordability of healthy diets; the possible drivers behind the high cost of healthy diets and their unaffordability; and introduces policies and investments around the region that aim to reduce the cost of nutritious foods and improve the affordability of healthy diets.
The Rome-Based Agencies Joint initiative for Home-Grown School Feeding
FAO, IFAD and WFP are leveraging South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SSTC) to support national Home-Grown School Feeding Programmes (HGSF).
Guide to formulating gendered social norms indicators in the context of food security and nutrition
This guide provides assistance on formulating indicators to measure changes in gendered social norms in the context of food security and nutrition.
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022
With eight years remaining to end hunger, food insecurity and all forms of malnutrition (SDG 2), the world is moving in the wrong direction.
Research Series Issue 75: Reverse thinking: taking a healthy diet perspective towards food systems transformations
This paper argues that food systems transformation should incorporate a dietary perspective that is guided by information on diets, dietary trends, consumer motives, and the food environment characteristics.
Research Series 74: Women’s empowerment, food systems, and nutrition
This background paper examines the linkages and interactions between women’s empowerment, food systems, and nutrition.
Research Series 72: Climate change and food system activities - a review of emission trends, climate impacts and the effects of dietary change
This article reviews how food system activities contribute to climate change and how dietary changes affect food systems. It shows that while emissions from food production are increasing in most regions, emissions from land use change are decreasing.