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IFAD Research Series 92: Climate Change Mitigation in the East and Southern Africa Region: An Economic Case for the Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use Sector
This report is a guide to shape investments by IFAD and other international donors in climate change mitigation actions in the East and Southern Africa region.
IFAD Research Series - Issue 91: Addressing overweight and obesity in LMICs in the realm of rural development and food systems
This paper presents the findings of a literature review of the main drivers of overweight and obesity, described using a food systems framework and illustrated with examples from five countries.
IFAD Research Series No. 90: Rural Transformation, Income Growth and Poverty Reduction by Province in China in the Past Four Decades
China has experienced rapid rural transformation in the past four decades, accompanied by a rise in rural household income and a fall in rural poverty. This paper examines provincial rural transformation and its major outcomes.
IFAD Research Series No. 89: Incorporating the Impact of Climate and Weather Variables in Impact Assessments: An Application to an IFAD Climate Change Adaptation Project in Viet Nam
This paper discusses which climate variables to collect, and from which sources, when incorporating them into an impact assessment.
IFAD Research Series No. 88: The Impact of Climate Change on Livestock Production in Mozambique
This paper focuses on activities targeting improved pasture management, supplemental feed sources and livestock value chain development.
Research Series 87: Incorporating the Impact of Climate and Weather Variables in Impact Assessments
This paper outlines a methodological strategy for incorporating weather and long-term climate conditions into impact assessments, based on an IFAD-supported project that invested in grain storage in Chad.
Research Series 86: Incorporating the Impact of Climate and Weather Variables into Impact Assessments
This paper applies a methodological framework for incorporating current period weather and long-term climate conditions into impact assessments.
IFAD11 Impact Assessment Report
IFAD measures the impact of its investments by systematically conducting impact assessments on a sample of projects closing during each replenishment period.
Research Series 85: Financing climate adaptation and resilient agricultural livelihoods
Moving to a process that contributes to improving rather than endangering livelihoods is the challenge that climate change adaptation and resilience-building efforts currently face.
Research Series 84: Farmed animal production in tropical circular food systems
In this review, the role of farmed animals in circular food systems in the tropics is presented in four case studies.
Research Series 83: The future of farming: who will produce our food?
In this report, we highlight past trends and explore possible future trajectories of smallholder farming to predict who the farmers of the future are.
Research Series 82: Contributions of information and communication technologies to food systems transformation
Using a food systems approach, this paper reviews existing evidence and discusses the conditions, rural population segments, and timelines needed to achieve desired outcomes.
Research Series 81: Food and water systems in semi-arid regions – case study: Egypt
This paper explores the role of water in Egypt’s food system and the dilemma the country faces: raise food self-sufficiency by allocating freshwater resources from the Nile to food production, or rely on food imports from water-abundant regions worldwide.
Research Series 80: How can different types of smallholder commodity farmers be supported to achieve a living income?
The paper finds that short- to medium-term interventions are most effective for improving the livelihoods of poor farmers, including food security and health, off-farm employment, and social assistance.
Research Series 79: The position of export crops banana and cocoa in food systems analysis with special reference to the role of certification schemes
In this paper, the certification requirements and schemes of two export commodities—banana and cocoa—are discussed using food system analysis.
Research Series 78: The Small and Medium Enterprises’ quiet revolution in the hidden middle of food systems in developing regions
This paper explores the rise of SMEs in transforming food systems—from traditional, to transitional, to modern.
Research Series 77: The role of trade and policies in improving food security
Developing competitive and inclusive food value chains requires domestic macroeconomic policies to improve the agricultural sector’s business environment and create outside opportunities, and sector-specific targeted measures to promote smallholder participation in competitive value chains by reducing market access costs.
Research Series Issue 76: Upscaling of traditional fermented foods to build value chains and to promote women entrepreneurship
This paper explores how traditional processing of fermented foods can be scaled up while enhancing functional food properties and strengthening local value chains.
Research Series Issue 75: Reverse thinking: taking a healthy diet perspective towards food systems transformations
This paper argues that food systems transformation should incorporate a dietary perspective that is guided by information on diets, dietary trends, consumer motives, and the food environment characteristics.
Research Series 74: Women’s empowerment, food systems, and nutrition
This background paper examines the linkages and interactions between women’s empowerment, food systems, and nutrition.