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IFAD Strategy and Knowledge Department Learning Note #2
This Learning Note showcases the methodology used for assessing the impacts of IFAD's investments on the livelihoods and lives of its project participants.
IFAD11 Impact Assessment Report
IFAD measures the impact of its investments by systematically conducting impact assessments on a sample of projects closing during each replenishment period.
Impact Assessment: Strengthening Local Development in the Highlands and High Rainforest Areas Project (PSSA)
Impact Assessment: Gente de Valor – Rural Communities Development Project in the Poorest Areas of the State of Bahia
The Rural Communities Development in the Poorest Areas of the State of Bahia (Project Gente de Valor) was designed to strengthen the capacity of rural communities to thrive in the drought-prone environment of Brazil's north-east region through improved access to water, increased productive capacity, and empowerment of participating communities.
Uganda: Impact Assessment of the Small and Medium Agribusiness Development Fund (SMADF), Baseline Report No. 1: Sesaco Ltd.
This is a baseline report for the impact assessment of the Yield Uganda Investment Fund (YUIF), an investment fund that provides targeted financing to small and medium agribusinesses (SMAs) to help them overcome barriers to accessing capital.
Uganda: Impact Assessment of the Small and Medium Agribusiness Development Fund (SMADF), Baseline Report No. 2: Central Coffee Farmers Association (CECOFA)
IFAD10 Impact Assessment: An Overview
To hold itself accountable on progress made in achieving this goal and these three strategic objectives, IFAD has adopted a unique approach to reporting impact at the corporate level, building on rigorous project-level evaluations. This report provides the results of these efforts to assess the corporate impact of IFAD investments for the Tenth Replenishment of IFAD’s Resources (IFAD10) period of 2016-2018.
Impact assessment: The Coastal Community Development (CCDP)
Impact assessment: PAPAFPA and PAPAC
Impact assessment: Coastal Climate Resilient Infrastructure Project (CCRIP)
Impact assessment: Plan VIDA-PEEP to Eradicate Extreme Poverty – Phase I
Impact assessment: Agricultural Sector Development Programme–Livestock (ASDP-L) and Agriculture Service Support Programme (ASSP)
Impact assessment: Guangxi Integrated Agricultural Development Project
Impact assessment: Rural Development Support Programme in Guéra
Impact assessment: Project for Rural Income through Exports in Rwanda
Impact assessment: Irrigated Rice Production Enhancement Project
Impact assessment: High-Value Agriculture Project in Hill and Mountain Areas
Impact Assessment: Community-based Forestry Development Project in Southern States (DECOFOS)
Impact Assessment: Livestock and Pasture Development Project
Impact assessment: Participatory Small-Scale Irrigation Development Programme
Impact assessment: Agricultural Value Chains Support Project (PAFA)
Effective rural development: IFAD’s evidence-based approach to managing for results
This report reflects IFAD’s ongoing efforts to generate evidence to inform decision-making at the corporate and project level.
Impact Assessment: Smallholder Dairy Commercialization Programme (SDCP)
The Smallholder Dairy Commercialization Programme (SDCP) aimed to foster market-driven development of the informal dairy sector in Kenya.
Impact assessment: Project to Support Development in the Menabe and Melaky Regions
Research Series Issue 7 - Measuring IFAD's Impact
This paper examines the impact of IFAD-supported projects so as to learn lessons for future projects. It analyses the different methods used by IFAD to measure a project's impact, finds that IFAD is improving the well-being of rural people, and recommends that impact assessments be built into future projects from their inception.