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Agricultural risk management: Towards long-term resilience

November 2020 - BLOG
Risk and uncertainty intensify in the agriculture sector – especially throughout Africa.

A look at the digital technologies transforming agriculture

November 2020 - BLOG

Agriculture has periodically been shaken up by various technological revolutions. The latest? The advent of digital technologies.

The 14th Five-Year Plan: An opportunity to advance China’s agricultural and rural transformation

October 2020 - BLOG

A unique opportunity for China to advance its agricultural and rural transformation agenda.

Three reasons to invest in land tenure security

October 2020 - BLOG
For rural people, especially low-income rural people, land and livelihood are one and the same.

Disability in rural areas: A matter of perception

October 2020 - BLOG

One billion people – 15 per cent of the world’s population – currently have a disability, and 80 per cent of them live in developing countries. People with disabilities, despite being “the world’s largest minority,” are often overlooked.

Opportunities for policy engagement in NEN and beyond

October 2020 - BLOG
All too often, the path to sustainable development is blocked by outdated policies and legislation.

Results-based financing: A potential game-changer for IFAD's future operations

September 2020 - BLOG
IFAD is always exploring new lending instruments to increase the number of potential financial solutions it can offer. 

Fighting food waste in China: Local efforts, global effects

September 2020 - BLOG
Reflecting on the fundamental role that sustainable food production and consumption plays in promoting food security and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems.

A second chance for Sri Lankan tea

September 2020 - BLOG
I grew up knowing that Sri Lankan tea was truly something special. People all across my native Egypt competed with each other to bring home those packages with the trademark “Ceylon Tea” stamped on the side.
