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26 - 30 September 2024

Terra Madre, organized by the Slow Food movement, seeks to reshape our relationship with nature through food, creating a healthier and more sustainable future.

26 September 2024

The authors of the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) Report 2024 will present the findings and recommendations of the report.

20 September 2024

This event will introduce ELPS  –  the 2023 Japanese G7 Presidency initiative – as a new public-private partnership model.

10 September 2024

To mark the International South-South Cooperation Day, the Brazilian Cooperation Agency, IFAD, FAO and WFP will host an event on how to address global challenges through practical and collaborative solutions.

04 September 2024

This Innovation Talk will explore innovations and strategies to transform global food systems and delve into how philanthropic partnerships and investments can be mobilized for systems change.

02 September 2024

IFAD's side event at the Africa Food Systems Forum will explore how open innovation can strengthen the resilience of rural smallholder farmers and advance sustainable agricultural development.

02 - 06 September 2024

The Africa Food Systems Forum brings together stakeholders from across the continent to mobilize action and share lessons to build productive, nutritious, inclusive, resilient and sustainable food systems in Africa.

21 August - 12 November 2024

The theme of the 2025 Indigenous Peoples’ Forum at IFAD is “Indigenous Peoples’ right to self-determination: a pathway for food security and sovereignty”.

26 June 2024

This webinar will review the main concepts of development finance, provide an overview of the current development financing architecture and offer a preview of the emerging messages from the 2024 State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World Report (SOFI).

28 May 2024

Join us for an in-depth exploration of the transformative role of sustainable finance in addressing global climate challenges and social upheavals

09 May 2024

This event will showcase the finalists from the Joint Moonshots for Development Open Innovation Challenge on AI for Climate Resilience in Rural Areas.

09 May 2024

This talk will explore the roles Governments and the private sector play in deploying DPI to advance agricultural practices.

07 - 09 May 2024

The goal of the summit is to highlight the crucial role of fertilizer and soil health in stimulating sustainable pro-poor productivity growth in African agriculture.

02 May 2024

This event will share the insights and successes of the Women’s Resource Rights Grant initiative. It will discuss tools and strategies to embed gender transformative approaches in projects focused on securing women's land and resource rights.

11 March 2024

This event will showcase collaboration between partners in Asia and the Pacific, providing insights into the status of rural women and policy recommendations to invest in women in agrifood systems.

08 March 2024

To commemorate International Women’s Day, IFAD, FAO and WFP are hosting a joint event to discuss how investing in women is essential for building inclusive and equitable societies.

29 February 2024

This webinar will explore the successes and lessons learned from RESADE, including a discussion on practical solutions for transforming salinity challenges into new possibilities.

14 - 15 February 2024

The Governing Council is IFAD’s main decision-making body. The forty-seventh session will focus on innovation.

12 - 13 February 2024

The 2024 global Farmers’ Forum brings together more than 80 farmers' leaders from around the world, representing millions of smallholders and rural producers who work with IFAD and partner institutions.

30 January 2024

A panel of speakers will share insights and experiences of different approaches and highlight research from projects in Bangladesh on securing women’s resource rights through GTAs.

24 January 2024

Selected from 200 starts-ups, four finalists will pitch their AI-driven solutions to enhance climate adaptation, resource management, and disaster readiness in rural communities.

14 - 15 December 2023

The fourth session of the IFAD13 replenishment will be co-hosted by France and Angola. Here, Member States will agree on the final IFAD13 replenishment report and announce pledges to IFAD13.

05 December 2023

A distinguished panel of speakers will share experience of different approaches on how securing women’s resource rights through GTAs in the country.

30 November - 12 December 2023

IFAD has advocated for climate finance and adaptation for many years. We will continue to do so at COP28, using this opportunity to amplify the voices of small-scale producers and promote their role in climate change responses and resilient food systems.

30 November 2023

A distinguished panel of speakers will share experience of different approaches on how securing women’s resource rights through GTAs in the country.

28 November 2023

To commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and mark the beginning the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence, experts from the Rome-based Agencies of the United Nations (FAO, IFAD and WFP) will highlight the adverse impact of GBV on agricultural production and food security.

24 November 2023

This learning exchange series will share insights and highlight research on securing women’s resource rights through gender transformative approaches using examples from Ethiopia, The Gambia, Kyrgyzstan, Colombia, Bangladesh and Uganda.

07 November 2023

This event will bring together SPARK's strategic partners to share invaluable insights and achievements on inclusive rural transformation in four SPARK countries.

26 - 27 October 2023

The Annual General Assembly (AGA) of the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD) provides an open space for dialogue and discussion on critical emerging issues in rural development and food systems.

23 October 2023

This session will provide examples of how donors can mobilize responsible investment from the private sector and present the results of new research by the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development and the Shamba Centre for Food & Climate on how donors can develop partnerships with funders to drive investment in smallholder farmers.

13 October 2023

Gender transformative approaches address gender gaps by tackling the root causes of inequality. A panel of speakers will share insights on different approaches to secure women’s resource rights in Ethiopia and Malawi.

15 - 19 October 2023

The Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice will meet to discuss recommendations to implement the Convention on Biological Diversity, including monitoring of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.

18 - 26 September 2023

IFAD President, Alvaro Lario, and our Goodwill Ambassador, Sabrina Dhowre Elba, will represent IFAD and the world's poor rural people at UNGA, highlighting our key role in achieving the 2030 Agenda.

12 September 2023

The UN Day for South-South Cooperation showcases the growing capacity of South-South and Triangular Cooperation to contribute to global development.

04 - 08 September 2023

AGRF brings together agricultural stakeholders to commit to programmes, investments and policies that move African agriculture forward.

22 - 26 August 2023

Environmental leaders from 185 countries will gather in Vancouver for the Seventh Assembly of the Global Environment Facility to discuss solutions to ensure a healthy planet with healthy people.

24 - 26 July 2023

This stocktaking moment will further reaffirm the world’s commitment to act with urgency, at scale and in line with the promise of the SDGs.

06 July 2023

Discover how top innovators, like Google, Apple and Harvard, build organizations that repeatedly develop break-through innovations from Innovation Alliance’s Chris Heemskerk.

28 June 2023

How to make innovation and impact investments work for the rural poor?

24 October 2023

This Committee on World Food Security side event will share good practices for enacting the CFS Voluntary Guidelines on Gender Equality and Women and Girls’ Empowerment.

22 - 23 June 2023

The Summit for a New Global Financial Pact aims to build a new consensus for a more inclusive international financial system to fight inequalities, finance the climate transition and bring us closer to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

22 June 2023

This webinar will discuss overweight and obesity in rural areas of developing countries, focusing on food systems.

14 - 16 June 2023

IFAD and the UN Office of the Special Adviser for Africa are hosting the Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development (GFRID) Summit 2023.

12 - 16 June 2023

To celebrate the 2023 UN Behavioural Science Week, IFAD is hosting a number of events on the use of behavioural science within our projects.

12 June 2023

This event is an opportunity for Indigneous Peoples, farmers and youth representatives to discuss ways of strengthening partnerships during the IFAD13 cycle.


05 - 08 June 2023

The Africa Agribusiness and Science Week (AASW8) gathers over 1,000 stakeholders involved in agriculture and agribusiness research and innovation in Africa.

25 May 2023

This webinar will launch the International Day of Family Remittances (IDFR) campaign and will set the stage for the upcoming Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development (GFRID) Summit 2023.

25 April 2023

To help African farmers be ready to adopt new technologies, the Alliance for a Green revolution in Africa (AGRA), partnered with IFAD under the project "Improving Delivery of Seed and Soil Fertility Technologies" (IDSST).

22 April 2023

IFAD will host an event on ‘Making Reporting on Indigenous Peoples Issues Safe and Meaningful’. 

17 - 28 April 2023

This year’s Forum focuses on “Indigenous Peoples, human health, planetary and territorial health and climate change: a rights-based approach”.

28 March 2023

This event will discuss how the new EU-IFAD partnership agreements can be used to promote agro-ecological approaches and other sustainable agricultural practices among youth.

22 March 2023

This event will explore how neuroscience can enhance the potential of evaluations and how this impacts IFAD’s work.

22 - 24 March 2023

The Conference is the most important water event in a generation. It aims to raise awareness of the global water crisis and decide on concerted action to achieve the internationally agreed water-related goals and targets, including those contained in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

08 March 2023

Critical challenges in attaining food security and climate change adaptation in the Pacific, and opportunities for strengthened collaboration.

06 - 17 March 2023

This year’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67) focuses on innovation and education in the digital age to achieve gender equality, with an emphasis on rural women and girls.

15 February 2023

Young people play a vital role in transforming food systems and accelerating a “Just Transition”. Leveraging young people’s fresh perspectives, innovation, and energy can spur inclusive green work opportunities in agrifood systems.

15 February 2023

This event will examine the connections between these three resources; the synergies, conflicts and trade-offs that arise from how they are managed; and the opportunities for increased investment.

15 February 2023

This event will deep-dive into food systems transformation, what it is all about, the role of small-scale farmers in achieving it, and how it can be financed.

14 February 2023

This event will discuss the challenges and opportunities of private sector finance and identify concrete investments and policy actions.

14 February 2023

Through evidence, storytelling and a Q&A, this session will showcase how the effective participation of Indigenous Peoples in decision-making and policymaking is key to achieving food security.

14 - 15 February 2023

The forty-sixth session of the IFAD Governing Council, taking place on 14 and 15 February 2023, will focus on “Accelerating Action for Food Security”.

09 - 13 February 2023

The sixth global meeting of the Indigenous Peoples' Forum at IFAD will focus on Indigenous Peoples’ Climate Leadership: Community-based solutions to enhance resilience and biodiversity.

23 January 2023

This year, the decentralized farmers’ forum meetings will take place in different regions around the world with the aim of strengthening impact at country level.

11 January 2023

During this special session of the IFAD Innovation Talks, IFAD’s President, Alvaro Lario, will share his vision of innovation for IFAD and how he expects this to deliver transformational impact for the rural poor.

07 December 2022

To support knowledge sharing, IFAD, the International Trade Centre, the United Nations Population Fund, UN System Staff College, the World Tourism Organisation and the World Food Forum will share their 2022 Innovation Champions and experiences.

07 - 19 December 2022

The governing body of the UN’s Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) will have its 15th meeting of Conference of the Parties (COP15) to approve the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.

02 December 2022

The Global Forum on Remittances, Investment and Development (GFRID) presents opportunities to promote greater digital and financial inclusion for migrants and their families back home through African postal operators.

23 - 24 November 2022

This Symposium, held in partnership with the Asian Development Bank and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs in Korea, will share findings and recommendations to promote agricultural and rural development through digital solutions.

23 November - 08 December 2022

The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is an international campaign running from 25 November to 10 December to call for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls.

21 - 22 November 2022

Under the theme “Opportunity in an evolving landscape,” this year’s event will focus on practical ways to turn the current food crisis into an opportunity for agri-SME finance and investment.

18 November 2022

As COP27 comes to an end, we would like to invite you to our virtual learning event on transformative methodologies results in Rwanda. We will present the results of the Gender Action Learning System for Gender equality and climate change adaptation (GALS+).

12 November 2022

Join IFAD at COP27 in addressing the nexus between climate change and poverty and discover how modern agricultural practices and climate change adaptation can become part of the solution.

12 November 2022

Remittances contribute hugely to the economic health and social development of developing countries – IFAD and IOM know this well. For this reason, the two agencies are teaming up at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh to highlight the importance of these payments.

10 - 12 November 2022

This year’s iteration of the event will take place on the 10-12 November and will focus on riding out the multicrisis and preserving global cooperation.

06 - 18 November 2022

The 27th Conference of the Parties (COP27) will focus on adaptation and agriculture, calling for scaled up financing for poor and vulnerable communities so they can cope with the increasing impacts of climate change.

25 October 2022

This event will discuss the role of Development Finance Institutions in assembling finance for food systems transformation in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Opportunities, innovative practices, and priority areas will also be discussed.

24 - 26 October 2022

The Global Model United Nations (GMUN) is a simulation of the work of the United Nations. It was created in 2019 by students studying Global Governance at the University of Tor Vergata in Rome and is held in cooperation with IFAD.

21 October - 09 November 2022

Ahead of the sixth Indigenous Peoples’ Forum at IFAD in February 2023, 14 regional and sub-regional consultation meetings are being held to ensure the Forum reflects the diverse perspectives of Indigenous Peoples around the world.

20 October 2022

This virtual side event at the World Food Forum will be a youth-led discussion on the role of young professionals and leaders in building a sustainable and healthy planet for rural youth, while bringing new perspectives and ideas to address the challenges that young people in marginalised rural communities face.

18 - 20 October 2022

Finance in Common is the global network of Public Development Banks (PDBs), which aims to align financial flows on the 2030 Agenda and Paris Agreement for Climate Change.

18 October 2022

Building on last year’s success, this year the World Food Forum's (WFF) flagship event will comprise the Global Youth Forum for Food and Agriculture, the Science and Innovation Forum and the Hand-in- Hand Investment Forum.

13 October 2022

IFAD’s Land Tenure Desk and FAO’s Land Tenure present the eighth webinar in their series on technological solutions for land recordation, part of the GeoTech4Tenure learning programme.

13 October 2022

This webinar will provide insights on how countries are handling emission reductions and reporting against their targets, with a focus on emissions reductions in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use sector.

11 October 2022

To celebrate International Rural Women’s Day, and as part of the Committee on World Food Security, IFAD’s Associate Vice-President of the Strategy and Knowledge Department, Jo Puri, will speak to women across the globe who will give their insights on what it is like to be a rural woman in an emerging food crisis.

10 - 13 October 2022

This session, CFS 50, will focus on the theme of “Global Responses to a Global Food Crisis – Leaving No One Behind" and the findings of The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2022.

30 September 2022

Part of TICAD8, this event will bring together food systems stakeholders to discuss new processes and products that add value and deliver sustainable, equitable and inclusive solutions.

26 - 28 September 2022

In an effort to enhance the economy, efficiency, effectiveness and fairness of all operations financed by Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs), the Heads of Procurement (HOP) hold annual meetings to harmonize procurement policies and practices.

22 - 26 September 2022

Organized by the Slow Food movement, Terra Madre Salone del Gusto is the biggest international event dedicated to food politics, sustainable agriculture and the environment.

22 September 2022

As part of TICAD8, this panel of civil society, private sector, UN and research actors will discuss challenges, lessons learned, solutions and opportunities to bolster healthy diets and sustainably transform food systems.

20 September 2022

Ce webinaire abordera différents aspects des investissements et subventions tenant compte des inégalités femmes-hommes dans le cadre de programmes d'investissement contre les risques liés aux changements climatiques et aux catastrophes.

20 - 27 September 2022

The 77th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 77) will open on Tuesday, 13 September 2022. The first day of the high-level General Debate will be Tuesday, 20 September 2022.

15 September 2022

IFAD’s Land Tenure Desk and FAO’s Land Tenure present the seventh webinar in their series on technological solutions for land recordation, part of the GeoTech4Tenure learning programme.

12 - 14 September 2022

This year, the expo will focus on ‘Advancing South-South and Triangular Cooperation for Sustainable COVID-19 Recovery: Towards a Smart and Resilient Future’.

05 - 09 September 2022

The African Green Revolution Forum—Africa’s premier forum for driving the food and agriculture agenda on the continent—will host its annual summit under the theme ‘Grow, Nourish, Reward – Bold Actions for Resilient Food Systems’.

24 August 2022

The Smallholder Horticulture Empowerment and Promotion (SHEP) approach transforms farmers’ mindset from "grow and sell" to "grow to sell," helping them increase their income with adequately supported technical and marketing competencies.

26 July 2022

Speakers will discuss developing customer-centric and inclusive insurance products under the IFAD-financed Managing Risks for Rural Development Project.



07 July 2022

A special session of IFAD’s Governing Council will be held in order to appoint its new President. Nominations received by the Secretary of IFAD for the presidency will be considered by Member States.

06 July 2022

Join IFAD, the Smallholder and Agri-SME Finance and Investment Network (SAFIN), the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Good Food Hub to discuss the key impacts, challenges and unexpected opportunities for the future of financing agri-SMEs during times of crisis.

21 June 2022

Innovation Day kicks off the IFAD'22 conference and will gather stakeholders to share knowledge on how to originate, pilot, test, and scale solutions that help solve challenges in rural development and climate-change adaptation.

21 - 24 June 2022

A high-level forum that will feature IFAD’s landmarks: Excellence, Partnership, Collaboration.

16 - 21 June 2022

The International Day of Family Remittances helps raise awareness of migrants’ crucial contribution to the development of their communities of origin.

14 - 15 June 2022

The Annual General Assembly (AGA) of the Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD) provides an open space for dialogue and discussion on critical emerging issues in rural development and food systems.

13 June 2022

Through comprehensive discussion, this event will disseminate the RDR’s messages among Latin American and Caribbean decision-makers.

30 - 31 May 2022

AgriTech Meet is a platform for key players in agriculture and food systems to discuss how to strengthen digital ecosystems in order to promote inclusive and sustainable agriculture and rural transformation.

24 May 2022

Innovators spend 30% of their working week storytelling. Yet most lack formal training on how to use story frameworks and plotlines.

17 May 2022

As part of the IFAD’s Rural Development Report Policy Dialogue Series, this discussion will focus on finding solutions for adopting a food systems approach to catalyze inclusive rural transformation in the Near East, North Africa, Central Asia region and Europe Region.

17 May 2022

This International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) side event—hosted by IFAD, UN DESA, and the World Bank—focuses on migrants’ contribution to sustainable development. It will provide concrete suggestions on how to promote objectives 19 and 20 of the Global Compact for Migration.

12 May 2022

As part of the IFAD’s Rural Development Report Policy Dialogue Series, this discussion will focus on challenges and opportunities to transform food systems for inclusive and prosperous rural transformation in West & Central Africa.

11 May 2022

Biodiversity and the preservation of nature are essential to realizing the 2030 agenda and Paris Agreement. Yet, biodiversity loss is still on the rise.

09 - 20 May 2022

This year’s COP15 theme, ‘Land. Life. Legacy: From scarcity to prosperity', is a call to action to ensure land, the lifeline on this planet, continues to benefit present and future generations.  ​

06 May 2022

As part of IFAD’s Rural Development Report Policy Dialogue Series, this event will explore using food systems for inclusive rural transformation in the East and Southern Africa region.

04 - 05 May 2022

This year’s Forum focuses on “Indigenous peoples, business, autonomy and the human rights principles of due diligence including free, prior and informed consent”.

20 April 2022

This event will present a Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD) White Paper on “Transforming Food Systems – Directions for Enhancing the Catalytic Role of Donors”.

11 April 2022

This is the second in a series of debates discussing IFAD’s Rural Development Report 2021.

09 April 2022

Food activists, chefs, climate journalists, and farmers discuss how to raise the visibility of people who deal with climate change on the frontline: small-scale rural farmers and producers who are fighting persistent droughts, frequent floods, and rising sea levels on a daily basis.

15 March 2022

This side event will focus on proven gender transformative approaches that build resilience against climate unpredictability and transform individuals, in particular women, into agents of change.

15 - 23 March 2022

This year’s Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66) focuses on achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change, environmental and disaster risk reduction policies and programmes.

08 March 2022

International Women’s Day 2022 is an opportunity to demonstrate the potential and achievements of women in climate change action, while calling for increased participation of women in leadership roles.

16 February 2022

The forty-fifth session focused on the overarching theme “Leveraging innovations and finance for a climate resilient and inclusive recovery.”

15 February 2022

Join this Governing Council 45 informal event to hear our distinguished panel discuss how we can mobilize private investments to better support smallholder farmers face climate risks.

15 February 2022

Join this Governing Council 45 informal event to learn how joint regional operations and financing can be used to bring together key players in the Sahel and harness the opportunities of this unique region.

03 February 2022

Join us for the first in a series of debates on IFAD’s Rural Development Report where we will discuss the untapped potential of the food system midstreams—the activities after the farm gate, such as trading, storing, processing, and distributing to consumers.

26 January 2022

The next eGFRID webinar, jointly hosted by IFAD and the European Commission (EC), will focus on the topic of “Remittances and investment: How migrants finance sustainable development.”

17 December 2021

This event will focus on the catalytic and pivotal role of Public Development Banks in food and nutrition. The PDB Initiative proposed by IFAD will be presented.

15 December 2021

This webinar will present innovative rural poultry development models and explore their potential replication in other countries.

10 December 2021

This event will address a range of specific issues in the context of nutrition-sensitive projects in East and Southern Africa benefiting from IFAD investments and grants with partners.

07 - 08 December 2021

The Tokyo Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit provides a historic opportunity to transform the way the world tackles the global challenge of malnutrition.

02 December 2021

Join us in discussing how decent work opportunities, social protection mechanisms and workforce nutrition programmes can help achieve global nutrition security.

30 November - 02 December 2021

The first-ever 50x2030 Global Data Use Conference brought together attendees from around the world to discuss the potential uses of survey data as a tool to aid global development.

30 November 2021

This N4G side event brings together perspectives from government representatives, food systems experts, and civil society organizations to discuss food systems solutions to increase food availability and affordability for rural people, identify interlinkages, and connect the dots.

18 November 2021

Join us for the launch of the Following the Thread of Yak report, which looks at the yak hair industry, particularly the untapped potential of yak production in the High Asia region, and examines the impact on indigenous communities and native producers of yak fibre.

16 November 2021

Policy mapping and prioritization exercise across 8 countries: Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Republic of Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan.

04 November 2021

This eGFRID virtual webinar, hosted by IFAD for Financial Inclusion Week, will present opportunities to promote greater digital and financial inclusion for migrants and their family members back home.

This IFAD-moderated virtual event takes place within the framework of the Diaspora Innovation Days in Africa (DIDA) 2021, a virtual gathering hosted by the African Diaspora Youth Forum Europe.

31 October - 12 November 2021

The 26th UN Climate Change Conference will take place from 31 October to 12 November 2021.

27 October 2021

Join IFAD, the Asian Development Bank, ENEL Green Power, FAO, UNDP and others for a dialogue about how tracking results and targeted impact investing can drive the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

22 October 2021

Precision farming is transforming the agricultural landscape by optimizing the management of inputs based on the site-specific requirements of farm fields and animals, thereby enabling more effective and efficient use of natural, human, and financial resources.

19 - 20 October 2021

Public Development Banks will convene for a second time to reiterate and reinforce their commitments in support of common actions for climate and sustainable development.

15 October 2021

15 October is the International Day of Rural Women. With these Gender Awards, IFAD celebrates the women and girls who play a crucial role in bringing gender transformation and women's empowerment to rural areas.

11 - 14 October 2021

The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform working to ensure food security and nutrition for all. Using an inclusive multi-stakeholder approach, CFS develops and endorses policy recommendations and guidance on a wide range of food security and nutrition topics.

07 October 2021

This webinar will present the work of the Jaringan Kerja Pemetaan Partisipatif (in English: Indonesian Community Mapping Network).

30 September 2021

In this consultation space for rural youth, part of the Pre-COP26 Youth Summit in Milan, we will hear directly from young farmers who are underserved by global climate finance flows.

29 September 2021

This third Lab webinar will present instruments for enhancing environmental and socio-economic impact assessment focused on agriculture, forestry, and land use (AFOLU).

29 September 2021

This event will feature new evidence on, and approaches to generating evidence on, fostering inclusive climate actions in rural spaces.

29 September 2021

This webinar will present the new GAEZ v4 platform. It will give an overview of the data the platform contains and how they can be accessed. It will also provide examples of how the data can be used to support agricultural projects and frameworks.

23 September 2021

The UN Food Systems Summit will launch bold new actions to deliver progress on all 17 SDGs, each of which relies to some degree on healthier, more sustainable and equitable food systems.

21 September 2021

The report promotes equitable livelihoods for rural people, who are front and centre in transforming food systems, alongside the need to improve nutrition and protect the environment.

20 September 2021

To amplify the voices of small-scale farmers and other rural people in sub-Saharan Africa, Farm Radio International has partnered with IFAD, World Vision Canada, and the Canadian Food Security Policy Group to conduct a series of On-Air Dialogues.

17 September 2021

Únase a las Agencias de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura con sede en Roma, el FIDA, la FAO, y el PMA, en el Día de las Naciones Unidas para la Cooperación Sur-Sur. El tema de este año es: La transformación de los sistemas agroalimentarios y las voces del Sur global.

14 - 30 September 2021

The theme for UNGA 2021 is "Building resilience through hope." Hope will help us recover from COVID-19, rebuild sustainability, respond to the needs of the planet, respect the rights of people, and revitalize the United Nations.

09 September 2021

This event is part of the FAO and IFAD webinar series GeoTech4Tenure.

09 September 2021

This event will highlight donor perspectives on the food systems agenda in response to the UN Food Systems Summit.

08 September 2021

Join us for the launch of IFAD’s first comprehensive report on a holistic approach to sustainable production and food systems.

07 - 10 September 2021

The AGRF is considered the world’s most important and impactful forum for African agriculture.

27 July 2021

This Pre–Food Systems Summit session will hear from leaders from the public sector, Public Development Banks (PDBs), private investors, farmers’ organizations, and others to discuss how PDBs can catalyse more green and inclusive investments in food and agriculture, and channel more financing towards small-scale producers.

27 July 2021

This Pre–Food Systems Summit session gives a voice to small-scale producers and agri-entrepreneurs in poor and marginalized areas who may not otherwise be heard.

26 - 28 July 2021

This three-day Pre-Summit will bring together the efforts and contributions of the global engagement process designed to give shape to our ambitions to transform our food systems.

22 - 25 July 2021

A festival of short films, documentaries, video clips and animation shorts, held in the heart of Sicily.

21 July 2021

In this pre–Food Systems Summit session, we will take a close look at the challenges food systems are facing, the key drivers of change, and the potential game-changing solutions.

15 July 2021

This session presents lessons learned from IFAD’s ASAP Programme to highlight practical ways to support the resilience of small-scale farmers around the world.

14 July 2021

This webinar introduced the role of the public sector in Israel in creating and enabling environments and platforms for the assimilation of innovative agri-tech into farming practices.

14 - 15 July 2021

Over two days of virtual events on 14 and 15 July, Devex reporters will dig into what is on the agenda, talk to experts both inside and outside the planning process, and set the stage for what success looks like for the pre-Summit and Summit to follow.

13 July 2021

This study compared the average pasture conditions between 2000–2004 and 2016–2020 using Landsat-based spectral indices and a digital elevation model. The remote sensing analysis took pasture types, grazing periods, altitudes, and a dataset with field measurements into account.

12 July 2021

This webinar will launch a new report by Grow Asia, commissioned by IFAD, that illustrates how digital technologies are reshaping agriculture in the region. 

09 July 2021

How to integrate reforms in social protection programmes with agricultural and rural interventions to benefit family farmers and improve their resilience.

07 - 09 July 2021

The Global Model United Nations is a simulation of the work of the United Nations. It was created in 2019 by students of University of Rome Tor Vergata and is organized by the public universities of Rome in cooperation with IFAD.

30 June 2021

Join ICIMOD and IFAD for the launch of a Resource Book and policy briefs for the transitioning of shifting cultivation to more resilient farming systems.

25 June 2021

Join us for this Food Systems Summit independent dialogue exploring possible solutions and actions to make aquatic foods a key part of food systems transformation.

23 June 2021

Optimizing results and enhancing the nexus among gender equality, climate resilience, and nutrition.

10 June 2021

Join IFAD, Food Tank, the Global Alliance for the Future of Food and the Champions Network for the 2021 United Nations Food Systems Summit for a series of panel discussions to explore how to transform and strengthen the world’s food systems.

04 June 2021

The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) is the foremost inclusive international and intergovernmental platform working to ensure food security and nutrition for all.

04 June 2021

Join us, along with panellists from academia, research, governments, civil society and development agencies, to discuss the climate-nutrition nexus.

05 May 2021

Farmers supported by the Smallholder Commercialization Programme have shifted from slash-and-burn cultivation to rice cultivation in inland swamps.

05 May 2021

Join IFAD and Precision Agriculture for Development (PAD), featuring Nobel Laureate Professor Michael Kremer, in a dialogue about digital agriculture and the rural poor.

29 April 2021

This side event at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues is an opportunity to report on the progress made with the Indigenous Peoples’ Forum at IFAD.

29 - 30 April 2021

This high-level dialogue will identify ways to expand activities, financing and partnerships to further leverage technology and innovation for the transformation of agriculture in Africa.

26 April 2021

A side event at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, supported by IFAD, FAO and WFP.

21 April 2021

This webinar discusses how spatial analysis was used to target poor and vulnerable communities in the design of IFAD-funded projects in Latin America.

IFAD is preparing the GCF Great Green Wall Umbrella Programme through a consultative process to ensure it responds to the needs and priorities of the countries involved.

08 April 2021

This event will look at proposals from the UN Food Systems Summit process and solutions from different regions, and consider their potential from the perspectives of women entrepreneurs, investors, and other key stakeholders.

31 March 2021

IFAD will present GeoScan, an innovative IT application giving access to over 180 data layers from verified sources that can be used in the design of IFAD strategies and projects for countries in West and Central Africa.

29 - 31 March 2021

This Forum is a historical opportunity to promote the full implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action.

26 March 2021

Find out more about how remote sensing products can be successfully incorporated into impact evaluation models, opening new possibilities for the assessment of ecosystem restoration programmes.

24 March 2021

This short and informative webinar will present an interesting geo-spatial study that used pasture type maps, geo-botany maps, and remote sensing to analyse the health of pastures in one municipality in Kyrgyzstan.


24 March 2021

While we may have clear intentions, our decisions are not always a reflection of the goals we wish to achieve. 

23 March 2021

Join us to talk about the potential of neglected and underutilized species.

17 March 2021

In advance of the UN Food Systems Summit, stakeholders from all sectors are convening through Food Systems Summit Dialogues, organized to identify game-changing solutions with transformative potential to achieve sustainable food systems.

17 March 2021

This short and informative webinar will present a geo-spatial climate vulnerability mapping tool developed by GeoAdapt, a project funded by IFAD’s Adaptation for Smallholder Agriculture Programme II.

08 March 2021

Este año, queremos celebrar los enormes esfuerzos que realizan mujeres y niñas en todo el mundo para forjar un futuro más igualitario y recuperarse de la pandemia de la Covid-19.

24 February 2021

Join IFAD, IFPRI and CGIAR for the launch of the Agricultural Investment Data Analyzer tool (AIDA).  

17 - 18 February 2021

Join us on Wednesday and Thursday for the 44th session of the IFAD Governing Council - IFAD’s main decision-making body. The overarching theme this year is rural development: a prerequisite for global resilience.

08 - 12 February 2021
This virtual festival is just one of the events taking place during Indigenous Week (8 to 12 February 2021).  
08 - 12 February 2021
Indigenous Week will host the side events for the fifth global meeting of the Indigenous Peoples’ Forum.
05 February 2021
This virtual meeting will explore innovative models for promoting the social and economic inclusion of rural people.
01 February 2021

Join Action Track 4 as we canvass ideas and create opportunities for you to participate!

25 - 26 January 2021

Our planet is getting warmer, which has a growing impact on our societies and economies. We need to adapt to a new, more extreme climate.
