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08 March 2021
Este año, queremos celebrar los enormes esfuerzos que realizan mujeres y niñas en todo el mundo para forjar un futuro más igualitario y recuperarse de la pandemia de la Covid-19.
24 February 2021
Join IFAD, IFPRI and CGIAR for the launch of the Agricultural Investment Data Analyzer tool (AIDA).
17 - 18 February 2021
Join us on Wednesday and Thursday for the 44th session of the IFAD Governing Council - IFAD’s main decision-making body. The overarching theme this year is rural development: a prerequisite for global resilience.
08 - 12 February 2021
This virtual festival is just one of the events taking place during Indigenous Week (8 to 12 February 2021).
08 - 12 February 2021
Indigenous Week will host the side events for the fifth global meeting of the Indigenous Peoples’ Forum.
05 February 2021
This virtual meeting will explore innovative models for promoting the social and economic inclusion of rural people.