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Annual Report 2019 reaffirms the importance of IFAD’s investments in challenging times
In 2020, the world is seeing once again that when crisis strikes, it is the poorest and most vulnerable people who suffer the most.
From project participant to project staff: Priscilla Torres’s story of growth
Although you won’t find the little village of Wowetta on any Internet map, it’s the centre of the universe for Priscilla Torres, a 37-year-old Wapishana woman. A very active and outspoken mother of three, Priscilla is a true community leader.
IFAD, Mars and ICRAF invest in sustainable farming research and development in Indonesia and the Philippines
A new project will focus on two raw materials critical to the livelihoods of small-scale producers: cocoa and palm oil
Angola and IFAD to promote sustainable agriculture and boost food security in the face of climate change
The International Fund for Agricultural Development of the United Nations (IFAD) today announced support for a new project to boost agricultural productivity, improve food and nutrition security and build the resilience of at least 218,000 rural families in Angola who are vulnerable to climate shocks.
Indigenous Peoples are crucial partners to build a better post–COVID-19 world, says IFAD President
Indigenous Peoples and their unique knowledge are essential to address the COVID-19 outbreak and to build a more sustainable, resilient world.
As more go hungry and malnutrition persists, achieving Zero Hunger by 2030 in doubt, UN report warns
Transforming food systems for affordable healthy diets.
Social media helps young rural Kenyan entrepreneurs battle the COVID-19 shutdown
Until COVID-19 hit in March, the G-Star Youth Group’s banana processing factory was buzzing with activity.
The Rural Youth Innovation Award honours young people who care about biodiversity, market access and the preservation of traditions
Rossana Polastri, Director of the Latin America and the Caribbean Division of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), has announced the winners of the Rural Youth Innovation Award. This prize has been created by IFAD to strengthen and build the capacities of young people and to promote opportunities being created by young people who are already changing the rural landscape of the region.
The importance of data management for pastoral communities
Globally, between 200 and 500 million pastoralists manage rangelands that cover over a third of the Earth’s landmass.
Thank you, “cocoa doctors”
Chocolate comes in many different forms and varieties, but it always needs one vital ingredient: cocoa. But a decade ago, it was predicted that, by 2020, the world would have a cocoa shortfall of one million tonnes a year.
IFAD invests €77.7 million in Niger for food and nutrition security and climate change resilience
The International Fund for Agricultural Development of the United Nations (IFAD) today announced a new project that will boost support for about 210,000 poor rural households in Niger that are vulnerable to climate shocks and food insecurity.
Indigenous knowledge – and resilience – in a COVID-19 world
It is increasingly clear that human health and our relationship with nature are inescapably intertwined. This holds true across many dimensions of health, including the potential for the transmission of disease – just as we are seeing with the current COVID-19 pandemic.
The Democratic Republic of the Congo and IFAD partner for better nutrition and resilience for small-scale farmers facing COVID-19
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) today announced support for a new programme in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to reduce poverty, increase productivity and incomes, improve food and nutrition security, and build the resilience of more than 410,000 small-scale farmers households.
Location, location, location: Why using GIS in rural development projects is fundamental
Knowing the geographic location of people or things helps us to monitor well-being and assess the impact of events.
The red gold of Azilal: How thyme and saffron empower women in Morocco's High Atlas
Fatima Amaguar came home from university with an idea.
Peru: New IFAD-funded project to help family farmers to increase productivity and recover from COVID-19
The Government of Peru and IFAD signed a financing agreement today for a new project to help family farmers increase their competitiveness and resilience, and to recover from the COVID-19 impact.
One small step: Empowering micro-, small and medium businesses across South Asia
It is something of a paradox that, while there is broad agreement that micro-, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are an integral part of the economy in developing countries, they remain underserved.
Stepping up rural finance to support smallholder farmers in Zambia
The COVID-19 pandemic is creating disruption - but sometimes offers opportunities for innovative solutions for rural farmers.
Looking inward: I-Kiribati fight a double health crisis
COVID-19 is not the only health crisis threatening to devastate the population of Kiribati. Cases of diet-related non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have tripled between 2005 and 2010.
From La Paz to Turco: Going back to the roots to start a new life
Guadalupe Moller lives in Turco, a small community in rural western Bolivia. She’d spent most of her life in La Paz, Bolivia’s capital, but four years ago she moved back to Turco, where her family’s roots are.