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IFAD and WFP work together to combat hunger in fragile contexts

IFAD and WFP have today launched an action plan to work together in fragile contexts — countries simultaneously affected by economic shocks, and extreme weather, in combination with little or no institutional and government capacity to help people cope. The UN agencies seek to leverage the strengths and expertise of each organization to enhance resilience in fragile environments and improve food security for those who need it most.

Migrant Contributions for Development Call for Proposals 2024 for the Kyrgyz Republic

IFAD’s multi-donor Financing Facility for Remittances (FFR) is pleased to launch the Migrant Contributions for Development Call for Proposals 2024 for the Kyrgyz Republic.

Migrant Contributions for Development Call for Proposals 2024 for Tajikistan

Leveraging remittances to foster financial and digital inclusion, and support the sustainable reintegration of migrant returnees for local economic development in rural areas.

Women shaping sustainable food systems – Episode 55

To mark International Women's Day, we explore how gender inequality and gender-based violence can be overcome to build inclusive, sustainable food systems.

Invest in rural women

Investing in women is the surest way to prosperity – and a world without hunger. That’s why IFAD invests in women. They’re the smartest investment in a sustainable future.

IFAD and partners to build resilience of smallholder farmers to climate change impacts in seven Sahelian Countries

Today, IFAD launched the Africa Integrated Climate Risk Management Programme (AICRM): Strengthening Smallholder Farmers' Resilience to Climate Change Impacts, with a workshop in Banjul, The Gambia. Dr Jyotsna Puri, Associate Vice-President of the Strategy and Knowledge Department at IFAD joined over 60 participants, including government representatives from the programme's host countries, as well as financial and implementing partners.

Investing in women and girls makes economic sense and accelerates progress for millions of people

Investing in gender equality and women’s empowerment is not only more urgent than ever but also an incredibly smart investment to generate economic growth, food security, income opportunities and better lives, particularly in rural areas where most of the world’s poorest live. That will be the message tomorrow on International Women’s Day from leaders at the Rome-based United Nations agriculture and food agencies event - Invest in Women: accelerate progress.

IFAD and JICA Renew their Memorandum of Cooperation for Rural Development, Food and Nutrition Security

In a renewed Memorandum of Cooperation, IFAD and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) agreed yesterday to reinforce their collaborative efforts to enhance rural development, food and nutrition security, with a special focus on Africa.

Champions of change: Meet the winners of the 2024 IFAD Gender Awards

Visit the five inspiring winners of this year’s Gender Awards and find out how they’re addressing the harmful practices, social norms and economic disparities that keep women from achieving their potential.

EU and IFAD launch new initiative to strengthen financial inclusion by boosting digital remittances in Central Asia

Today, in partnership with the European Union, IFAD launched the Platform for Remittances, Investment and Migrants’ Entrepreneurship (PRIME) Central Asia Initiative in Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan, to maximize the socio-economic impact of remittances, the hard-earned money sent home by migrant workers.

Building resilience, empowering communities: new fisheries project set to transform lives in Mozambique

Today marks a significant step towards a brighter future for Mozambique's artisanal fisheries sector. A new project that aims to transform the livelihoods of 90,000 artisanal fishers in five coastal provinces in the country has been endorsed with the signing of a US$63 million financing agreement between IFAD and the Government of Mozambique.

Global food crisis, poor nutrition and the effects of climate change need urgent action, says IFAD President

A global food crisis and the effects of climate change are taking a toll on those most vulnerable: millions of people – many of them small-scale farmers and their families – who are unable to afford a healthy diet. At this critical juncture, Alvaro Lario, President of IFAD, is visiting the Solomon Islands and Australia from 29 February to 8 March 2024 to collaborate on next-steps and to deepen IFAD’s strategic partnership with governments across the region.

MOPAN assessment of IFAD 2023

The Multilateral Organization Performance Assessment Network (MOPAN) is an independent network of 22 member states with a shared vision to promote an effective multilateral system that delivers solutions to evolving global goals and local challenges.

Zero waste, full plates: winning with school meals - Episode 54

In this episode, we explore why we must pursue zero hunger and zero waste as joint goals. In particular, we look at how these efforts are crucial for children, who depend on nutritious diets for healthy development.

Prosperity or the planet? Luckily, they're not mutually exclusive

All too often, value chain development harms the planet by emitting carbon and degrading environments. That’s why to build truly prosperous rural areas, we must make value chains not just strong, but sustainable.

Twenty years on from the first Farmers’ Forum, four farming leaders weigh in

We asked four farmers’ organization leaders from around the world about current challenges, new developments and their hopes for the future at the eighth global meeting of the Famers’ Forum.

Sophie Grigson on how diversifying crops in Malawi cultivates sustainability and resilience

IFAD Recipes for Change chef Sophie Grigson travelled to Malawi to meet local small-scale farmers who are fighting back against climate change by diversifying their crops.

IFAD Member States approve ambitious $2 bn plan to reduce hunger and poverty for 100 million rural people

The 178 Member States of IFAD today adopted an ambitious agenda to improve the production, incomes, food security and resilience of more than 100 million rural people over three years.

IFAD highlights the transformative power of innovation for small-scale farmers

For small-scale farmers in some of the most remote corners of the world, innovation isn't just a buzzword. It's a lifeline with the potential to reshape the future of agriculture by generating and scaling up new ideas, new approaches and opportunities to sustainably overcome the challenges they face on a daily basis.

Recipes for Change: Nsima with chicken casserole and khobwe balls

Learn how to make a delicious and sustainable Malawian meal with these recipes collected from rural communities by Chef Sophie Grigson.
