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South-South and Triangular Cooperation can deliver rural solutions, reduce poverty and hunger
The world needs to harness the power of exchanges between countries in the Global South if we are to reduce poverty and improve food and nutrition security.
A new development paradigm - BAPA+40
A conference taking place this week in Buenos Aires, Argentina reminds us that developing countries today look as much to each other for help along their path to development as they do to the developed world.
El FIDA coordinará desde Panamá sus acciones a favor del desarrollo rural en Mesoamérica y el Caribe
Hoy martes 19 de marzo a las 08:30 tuvo lugar la inauguración oficial de la nueva Sede Sub-Regional para Mesoamérica y el Caribe del Fondo Internacional de Desarrollo Agrícola (FIDA), la agencia especializada del Sistema de las Naciones Unidas que brinda apoyo financiero y asistencia técnica para promover procesos de transformación rural, inclusiva y sostenible a nivel global.
IFAD-financed projects contribute to improved agricultural productivity and incomes in Sri Lanka
Rural development projects financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) have contributed to increased productivity and incomes in Sri Lanka, according to a new evaluation report presented today in Colombo.
The illusion of choice
Consumers increasingly want to know whether the food and beverage brands they buy from are doing social and environmental good, including doing right by the smallholder farmers in global food supply chains.
India: Barring Malnutrition
With traditional crops abandoned for lucrative cash crops, malnutrition rates can quickly rise.
Central African Republic and IFAD to promote smallholder farmers’ resilience to climate change
Nearly 30,000 vulnerable households will be better equipped to deal with the fragility created by past conflict and the impacts of climate change thanks to a US$29 million project announced today that aims to improve food and nutrition security in four sub-prefectures of the Central African Republic.
IFAD launches global campaign to close gender gap in agriculture and amplify the voices of rural women
On International Women’s Day, the United Nations' International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) will kick off a campaign aimed at closing the gender gap in agriculture by drawing attention to the often overlooked contributions that rural women in developing countries make to rural economies, local communities and to improving the lives of rural families – men, women and children.
International Women’s Day 2019
In many parts of the world, women are more likely to be food insecure than men. That’s despite the fact that in many countries, many women work in agriculture and are responsible for preparing food.
Workshop to review evaluation outcomes of IFAD-supported operations in Sri Lanka as well as future development plans
The Independent Office of Evaluation of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Government of Sri Lanka are holding a one-day workshop in Colombo to share the conclusions of an independent evaluation of IFAD's country strategy and rural development programme in Sri Lanka.
Sierra Leone and IFAD to boost food security and incomes in rural areas
About 34,000 vulnerable rural households in Sierra Leone will benefit from a new US$72.6 million project that aims to improve food and nutrition security and raise the incomes of smallholder farmers by modernizing agriculture, increasing production and developing markets.
The Real Groundbreakers: Claudine from Rwanda
Through the power of a women’s farming co-operative in Rwanda, Claudine is using new techniques and seeds for better cassava harvests.
The Real Groundbreakers: Rekha from India
More school children are eating well because of Rekha, a business innovator in India who through a women’s cooperative is making nutrition bars with local rice.
The Real Groundbreakers: Irma from Guatemala
Irma, a young Q’eqchi woman and farmer from Guatemala, is working to reforest over 400 hectares of land damaged by climate change, illegal logging and fires.
Call for Proposals: Closing the data gap towards an efficient remittances market in Africa
IFAD’s FFR is launching a global Call for Proposals (CfP), aimed at identifying strong proposals and methodologies for collecting and analysing data on remittance markets in Africa, along with its most relevant corridors.
Using irrigation for rural development: drawing lessons from impact assessments
Irrigation is a lynchpin of rural development strategies. In particular, small-scale irrigation projects are commonplace due to their relatively low cost and user-led management.
IFAD and Egypt to promote resilience in desert environments with a US$81 million investment
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Egypt signed a financing agreement today to reduce poverty and enhance food and nutrition security by sustainably improving incomes and resilient livelihoods for 450,000 rural people in the Matrouh Governorate.
Highlights from IFAD's Governing Council
Pope Francis set the tone for the 42nd session of IFAD’s annual Governing Council meeting (14 - 15 February) by saying that hunger can be made a part of the world’s past, but only if all institutions and people work together, and only if these efforts are owned locally and driven by those who are suffering most, as architects of their own development.
Innovative impact fund to create jobs for rural youth in developing countries
An impact fund with an innovative approach for attracting much needed capital to the rural areas of developing countries will be launched today at the annual meeting of Member States of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD).
Innovation, Finance, Partnerships: IFAD's Member State event closes with a push for progress and greater impact
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) ended its 42nd Governing Council meeting today by highlighting the need for more innovative approaches to financing development – particularly in rural areas of developing countries where the majority of the world's poorest people live.